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RA openings at ECE OSU

Prof. Xinmiao Zhang is looking for highly-motivated Ph.D. students to join the VLSI System Architecture Lab (vlsiArc.engineering.osu.edu) at the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering of The Ohio State University. Our Computer Engineering Program is ranked at 17th in the most recent US News ranking.

We received new grants from both federal government and industry, and there are two new RA (Research Assistant Fellowship) openings starting Spring or Fall 2019.

The research of VLSI Arc Lab spans the areas of digital storage and communications, VLSI architecture design, security, and signal processing. Our research translates theoretical advancements to highly efficient practical implementations through integrated algorithmic and architectural optimizations. The focuses of current research include coding schemes and system architecture design for next-generation memories and hyper-speed data analytics, hardware security, and machine learning. As it has been proved from Dr. Zhang’s academic and industry experience, such research leads to novel techniques and designs that have great impacts on practical systems. Students in this research area are highly valued by both academic institutes and high-tech companies, such as Samsung, Western Digital, Toshiba, Seagate, Micron, and countless startups, and salaries for Ph.D. with 5+ years’ experience is above $300k.

Good math and analytical background is required. Prior experience on digital logic design, error-correcting coding, cryptography, security, or related topics is preferred. Interested students may send CV and transcript in pdf to "zhang.8952 at osu.edu"
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