似乎是个 pitts MSIS的AD, 还没仔细看是什么意思。 已经拿到AD的人,请进

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这个学校需要资金证明, 还学要填2个supplement form. 因为资金证明还没到手,所以一直没交,申请状态一直是incompleted.
不知道为什么发给我一个 条件录取。。。
已经拿到MSIS pittsburgh的人来看看,跟你们的ad 是不是一样的。
稍微看了下,他是让我去上一门编程语言课(见最后的红字 Provisional Admission Conditions:)????好像是上完这个课才能入学

大学有门课程是C语言,只不过英文名字是(High-language programming, 难道他们不认识。),,,,,,软件工作了。六年, 也弄过socket 编程。。。非要让我去上课?

[align="left"]The School of Information Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh is pleased to extend to you an offer of provisional admission to the Master of Science in Information Science (MSIS) degree program. A provisional admission means that you have not yet met all of the admission criteria. If you choose to join us at the iSchool, you would enter the Master of Science in Information Science (MSIS) program in Fall Term 2013 (141).

As a provisional student, you will need to satisfy the conditions listed below before your status can be changed to full-student status. Provisional status has absolutely no reflection on your ability to pursue graduate studies.

To inform us of whether or not you will accept this offer of admission, please submit this Admission Offer Response Form by 4/15/2013. A copy of this Offer of Admission will be sent to you via the U.S. mail. If you have any questions about admission, deferment (changing term of entry), or enrollment, please contact us at 1point3acres.com or 1-800-672-9435.

We eagerly await your response to this letter of admission. The Student Services staff and your academic advisor, Dr. Vladimir Zadorozhny, are happy to discuss how our academic program and the iSchool community will help you to meet your career goals.

Our faculty and staff look forward to helping you prepare for an exciting career as an information professional.


Ronald L. Larsen
Dean and Professor
The School of Information Sciences
University of Pittsburgh
[/align][align="left"]Provisional Admission Conditions:[/align][align="left"]You must complete one or more courses in programming with a modern structured language with a grade of "B" or better. C, C++, Java, C# are acceptable. At the completion of these courses, the student MUST be proficient in writing code that can read data from a file and write data to a file. Knowledge of socket programming is a plus.

Upon arrival, please make an appointment with our Admissions Coordinator to present your original academic documents (transcripts, degree certificate, etc.) for final validation. Email 1point3acres.com to schedule an appointment.