
Dr. Dongpeng Xu is an assistant professor in the computer science department at the University of New Hampshire (UNH). He is looking for self-motivated students to work on exciting security research. Multiple graduate research assistantship positions are open.

Dr. Dongpeng Xu is widely interested in software security, especially program analysis on binary code, malware analysis and detection, program protection, software testing, program similarity analysis, and model checking. His research work has been published in top security conferences including IEEE S&P, CCS, and USENIX Security. The practical impact of his work has been recognized as a top 10 finalist in the CSAW'17 applied research competition.

Candidates are expected to have strong motivation and interests in system security research. Candidates with experience in software security, compilers, formal methods, or programming language will receive prior consideration.

UNH is a land-, sea-, and space-grant university and serves as the flagship public research institution of New Hampshire. It is located in the vibrant seacoast area of the northeastern US, with easy access to both Boston city and the White Mountains. Durham, home to UNH, has been named as No.1 on the 30 safest college towns in the US by safewise.com and No.1 on the list of 100 safest schools in the US by Alarms.org.

Please contact Dongpeng Xu (1point3acres.com) or view his homepage (cs.unh.edu/~dxu) for more information. Thank you for your interest!

徐东鹏博士是美国新罕布什尔大学计算机系的一名助理教授。他的研究方向是软件安全,特别关注二进制代码分析,恶意软件检测,软件保护,程序相似度分析等等。他的研究成果在信息安全顶级会议IEEE S&P, CCS, USENIX Security上发表。徐博士正在招收有志于在软件安全领域从事科研的博士生。博士在读期间将获得全额奖学金,包括学费,工资以及医疗保险。

新罕布什尔大学是新罕布什尔州的旗舰研究型州立大学,位于美国东北部教育资源优质的新英格兰地区,2019 USNEWS全美综合排名106,计算机专业排名111。校园坐落于靠近东海岸的安静小镇Durham,风景如画,治安优良,非常适合专注学术研究。Durham离波士顿仅一小时车程,生活和交通都很便利。著名华裔数学家张益唐曾经在这里研究孪生素数问题并取得重大突破性成果。

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