CAP GAP 结束后的身份问题

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向大家请教一个老生常谈的问题:CAP GAP过期,H1B还在pending的情况下可以在美国合法待多久。

原来的理解是所有有CAP GAP extension的F1 student,在CAP GAP过期后(10/1号后)能在美国合法逗留60天(OPT Grace period)直到11/30号,然后就会积累unlawful presence。一般情况下为了避免风险,很多人就会选择在12/1号前后回国继续等待H1B批准。

楼主今天在USCIS上看到一篇文章名为“F-1 “Cap-gap” Status and Work Authorization Extension Only Valid Through Sept. 30, 2018”。原文中提到“While the temporary suspension of premium processing of certain types of H-1B petitions has allowed USCIS to allocate additional resources to prioritize the adjudication of these cap-gap cases, if a cap-gap H-1B petition remains pending on or after Oct. 1, the F-1 student is no longer authorized to work under the cap-gap regulations. However, the F-1 student generally may remain in the United States while the change of status petition is pending without accruing unlawful presence, provided they do not work without authorization.”根据这篇文字的理解,在CAP GAP过期后不存在“只能合法逗留60天”的情况,只要申请者的申请还在pending状态,且申请者没有工作,那么就可以在美国逗留直到申请出结果,并不会积累unlawful presence。
