magoosh 上的几道TC求助

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1、To the extent that it foresaw the effect the Internet would have on society, what makes the Frankfurt School—an early 20th century school of thought concerned with how rampant consumerism harms the self— ---- is not so much that it explodes much of what has sometimes proven to be a symbiotic relationship between our “real selves” and our “digital selves” as that it imagines a world so positively ----- that it becomes but a(n) ---- of the times in which we live.
(A) suspect
(B) prescient
(C) relevant
(D) charged
(E) utilitarian
(F) dystopian
(G) echo
(H) caricature
(I) repudiation

2、That contemporary culture derides opera and ballet as elitist institutions actually (i) ---- with a (ii) ---- they otherwise lack in the modern sensibility, suggesting that however hegemonic pop music may become its adherents feel compelled to (iii) ---- it.
(A) agrees
(B) invests them
(C) is at odds
(D) vision
(E) stateliness
(F) significance
(G) dismiss
(H) embrace
(I) defend

3、Many relatively obscure musicians admit to being (i) ---- the fact that the eminent jazz critic reviewed their work, yet he seemed to listen and to write (ii) ----, his appetite roving around seldom explored nooks of the repertoire, once the big names had been exhausted. Such inclusion, then, was more (iii) ---- than approbatory.
Blank (i)
(A) skeptical of
(B) flattered by
(C) unaware of
Blank (ii)
(D) compulsively
(E) hesitantly
(F) with spontaneity
Blank (iii)
(G) inevitable
(H) fault finding
(I) conjectural

4、In an election cycle unmarred by a spate television advertisements in which one candidate drags the other through the mud, it is easy for voters on both sides of the political spectrum to think they have ____, and perhaps partially explains why each is____ a pronounced bias in news reporting. One newspaper will discharge a fusillade of incriminating articles on the candidate, while printing little that is____ the other. A newpaper on the other side of the political spectrum will respond in kind. The overall effect, then, is not much different from the televition advertisements: one candidate is the devil incarnate, and the other a clear choice for national office.
(A) reached an impasse
(B) scored a moral victory
(C) been persecuted
Blank (ii)
(D) similarly immune to
(E) equally susceptible to
(F) likely complicit in
Blank (iii)
(G) averse to
(H) approbatory of
(I) cognizant of