移除国别限制,急需大家联系当地选区house reps, senate reps

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由于众所周知的原因,印度人,中国人绿卡都有比较长的排期,印度人的非常长,所以他们就原因成立各种组织,然后募捐,去说服各种议员。h4 ead
就是这样通过的,但是95%的h4 ead就是印度人拿到的。虽然现在也要取消了。


涉及绿卡数量,名额分配的都是bill,要house先vote 过了,senate再vote 过了,然后总统签字。几年前关于h1工资要求改革的bill好几个,但是连house vote都没到,因为house内部有很多委员会,他们必须先vote,同意才能整个house vote。

hr392 的bill是印度人很早提出来就想通过的
后来印度人发现,hr392这个bill很难直接独立的被vote,于是他们开始各种加塞到各种别的移民相关的bill里,希望别的移民相关的bill通过,顺带通过hr392. 对于两党来说,他们都不关心职业移民的问题,但是关心建墙,dreamer等的移民问题。




这次他们又来了, Rep Yode把它又加入了funding bill

本来funding bill就不应该有移民相关的bill,但是funding bill最后肯定会以某种形式在house,和senate通过,否则有些政府部门就的关门。

所以大家要行动起来,联系当地house reps, senate reps,就去他们的网站,直接搜索你所在的选区,比如CA第几选区,然后就会显示reps是谁,他们都有网站的。最后附一份别人写的信:

Dear Rep XXX,

I am writing this letter to urge you to oppose an amendment to the Fiscal
Year 2019 Homeland Security Funding Bill that “provides additional
flexibility related to the country cap on high-skilled workers under the H1-
B visa program.”

First of first, the description of the amendment shows how illy informed Rep
Yoder is. There is NO law that defines country cap on high-skilled workers
under the H-1B (not H1-B) visa program. In other words, there is no country
cap on high-skilled workers under the H-1B visa program at all. What
flexibility can this amendment bring to something that does not exist?

What the amendment really does is to remove per-country limit on employment-
based green card (permanent residency) allotment. The 7% per-country limit,
set by the Immigration Act of 1990, serves the good purpose of diversity for
about 30 years without any problem until recent years.

About 10 years ago a few IT consulting companies from one country found the
leapholes of temporary work visas including L1, H-1B, B1 and B2. They have
brought millions of workers from their home country to US. And many of the
workers then applied for green cards. As a result, there is a backlog for
those people from that country even though they already take about 30% (7%
cap plus spillovers) of the annual quota.

I understand that pain for those waiting for years for green card. And I
hope there is a good solution for them without hurting US citizens much.
However, the amendment by Rep Yoder is so unthoughtful and unbalanced that
it benefits ONLY citizens from a single country and hurts EVERYONE ELSE
including Americans.

Bear in mind that the backlog was partially caused by temp work visa abuse.
Senator Glassley from Iowa and then Senator Sessions from Alabama have
published multiple reports with regard to this issue. The abuse has resulted
in massive layoffs across all industries and tens of thousands of US
citizens lost their jobs to those consulting companies that bring cheap
labor from their home country. A good way to fix the backlog problem is to
stop the abuse. However, Rep Yoder’s amendment does nothing to stop the
abuse. Rather, it encourages abuse by trying to offer the abusers an easier
path to US.

Furthermore, should the cap be removed, nearly 100% of the green cards will be
allocated to the citizens of a single country in the first 10 years. This is
against the intention of employment-based green card system which is to
bring smart and hard-working people from around the world, and will greatly
hurt diversity.

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