OPT Extension 超过200天pending 上访流程

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男票的OPT Extension 200多天了还是pending, 再过一个月就彻底不能上班了, 今年抽中的H1B 也是pending(公司file的还是consular processing类型, 没有cap-gap extension, 撑不到10月1号, 批准了也要出境激活),分享一下OPT Extension上访流程攒下rp吧, 顺便求大米攒Jirachi。

1. 联系USCIS, 1 (800) 375-5283, 多跟tier1 officer扯皮 让他给你转tier2 officer, tier2 officer会有更详细的信息,可以多打几次电话,有些tier1 officer比较好沟通会帮你转tier 2
2.发case inquiry 给USCIS,会显示回复的deadline, egov.uscis.gov
3. INFO PASS, 及早预约, 不是每天候着或者拿脚本刷, 一般只能约到两星期之后的,my.uscis.gov
4. 找学校联系USCIS
5. 找congressman, 根据zipcode在house.gov 搜索representative, po主所在的zipcode的议员可以发邮件提交inquiry, 自己着急的话可以提交inquiry之后电话联系congressman的office麻烦他们加急处理
6.Ombudsman,会要求你找Ombudsman ask for help之前有试图找uscis' resolve issue,具体要求dhs.gov, 满足条件的可以发这个form提交请求cisomb.dhs.gov, Ombudsman处理需要排队, 需要加急处理的话可以打电话或者发邮件,加急需要满足以下条件
The Ombudsman will expedite case assistance processing based on the following criteria: severe
financial loss to company or individual; extreme emergent situation; humanitarian situation;
cultural and social interest of the United States; national interest; service error; or compelling
USCIS interest. If your case requires urgent action, please call the Ombudsman at 202-357-8100 or
1-855-882-8100 or email 1point3acres.com (please be sure to include your Ombudsman
case number with your email). The Ombudsman will make every effort to expedite a review of your
case, if appropriate.(来及dhs.gov
试过上述所有方法, 男票的case还是pending,说是在还在security check(也不知道是不是托辞)po主搜了下关于security check的情况,根据这份2005年的文件(没查到更新的)oig.dhs.gov, OPT Extension只需要IBIS name check,一般只需要几天就可以clear, 也许是男票名字太common, 触发了hit 需要一个个manually review。。。不知道还要等待多久。。。。。并且H1B的security check跟OPT Extension是同一级别, 不知道是不是H1B也要等很久。。。求Jirachi保佑!
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