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今年的CSC访问学者,去美国一年访问,本身敏感学校,非敏感专业,去年曾去美国持J1短期交流了两个多月。今年5.8号在沈阳面签的,1号窗口一个黑人小哥面签,聊的还可以,只问了谁资助、做什么研究、去年去美国多久、这次去多久,然后告诉我通过,但是需要行政审查。至此,一直是AP状态,一次更新都没有。请问各位访问学者老师,有check这么久的经历么?(已经快70天),各种催签方式都用过了,使馆回复说“We appreciate your cooperation and are sorry that administrative processing has taken so long. We assure you that your case is not forgotten and that you have already provided all required information. We are making every effort to quickly complete the processing on your case.”还有另一种回复“We are aware that your case has been delayed a very long time. While most cases do finish processing in under 60 days, sometimes an individual case can take a very long time to process. We have done everything we can to ensure that your case will be processed to conclusion. Unfortunately there is nothing else that can be done and you will need to wait for your case to finish processing”我感觉这两种其实也是一种模板回复,只不过是有人确实看了邮件后给的反馈。但是并没有什么用。借助宝地祈福,也给后面签证的朋友一些参考。PS:2019表的开始时间是8月1号,不知道是否与开始时间较靠后有关系。