6.8 梅陇镇F1暑研签证ECE专业 秒Check

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VO: Your I20 please..(我的i20上面写的持续时间是7.7-8.7一个月,major1是interdisciplinary studies)
me: Here you are.
VO:Your are going to take part in a summer school? What will you do there?
me:It's a summer program. I will attend some seminars, workshops and do some projects there.(这里我没有说research这个词...不知道这算不算我的失误,我觉得说research 更容易被check)
VO: So what's your major?
me: Electric & Information Engineering(电子信息工程) In our university, it focus on...(这里在我想对我专业的具体方向进行进一步解释的时候,VO打断了我,直接问我要我的简历,当时感觉不太妙)
VO: Please give me your Resume.
me: Ok,here you are.
VO: And the invitation letter?(一遍翻着我的简历...)
me: Here you are...(说着把邀请信给了VO,邀请信上明确写了我会work with the professor and do some research with his group)
VO:So ,give me the Resume of the professor(他从letter上看到了教授的名字...)
me:OK(生无可恋,感觉要check了,教授是做Design automation for heterogeneous computing, including high-level synthesis, architecture and compiler optimization for hardware specialization, software-defined reconfigurable systems的,说实话作为大三本科生...我对教授的这些方向并不全都知道到底是干什么的...感觉其实涉及到IC设计的HLS了,应该比较敏感吧)
VO:Your study plan and DS160
me: 递了上去...我的study plan里面写的研究方向没写那么细,写了systsem design, software design这种不太敏感的)
VO: Thank you. I don't think there's any problem for your to get the visa. But we need some time to complete the administrative process. It will take about one month. 谢谢(说了句中文)
me:谢谢 (我也说了句中文,心里mmp,拿到了粉色的条子,上海的check条子是粉色的,没有发221g估计是不用补材料吧,该交的都交了:我的CV,导师CV, study plan, invitation letter, DS160)
