新加坡南洋理工大学NTU计算机学院的正教授Prof. Dusit Niyato招收博士后

新加坡南洋理工大学 Nanyang Technological University (NTU) 计算机科学与工程学院的正教授 Prof. Dusit Niyato 招收博士后Postdocs,课题是关于区块链blockchain和智能电网smart grid。如果有网络优化和博弈论方面的背景会加分。A candidate with background in network optimization and game theory is preferred.

下面是具体信息,谢谢。有兴趣的申请者也可以联系南洋理工大学NTU的赵俊,邮箱地址是 , , 微信号为 jun--zhao 注意微信号有两个横杠,搜不到可以这里扫码加好友
Skype ID为 live:junzhaocmu


Postdoc positions for mobile blockchain and smart grid applications at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. The postdocs are expected to work on blockchain data management framework for energy market, to develop/optimize computing and communication infrastructure to support blockchain data management, and to implement machine learning to support distributed energy trading.


1. Candidate must possess at least a PhD in Computer Science or Computer Engineering.

2. Research background in blockchain, data communications and networking, distributed and parallel systems, game theory and optimization, economic theory, machine learning (deep learning).

3. Strong publications in top-tier journals and conferences.

Interested applicants please attach the full CV, with the names and contacts (including email addresses) to Dusit Niyato at
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