马里兰巴尔的摩郡分校招收2019春CS/IS Phd

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University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC)
1 or 2 PhD student or 1 Postdoc in IS and CSEE; 2019春季入学

Deadline for Information systems: 09/01/2018
Deadline for CSEE: 06/01/2018

The Information System (IS) department Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (CSEE) Department of UMBC are seeking 1 or 2 PhD students to work on security, distributed systems, cloud computing (OpenStack), permissioned blockchains (BFT), cryptography (e.g., ORAM), food safety, SDN, and high-performance computing. The candidates are expected to have a strong programming ability and a strong desire to work with real systems.

Your host will be Sisi Duan for the IS program and Dr. Haibin Zhang for the CSEE program.
Contact: sduan (at) umbc.edu, hbzhang (at) umbc.edu
Please send a CV and a cover letter.

UMBC is ranked 70 in CS/IS according to US News, and places 7th in a new ranking of "Most Innovative" national universities. We have 6 HPC, have access to D-Wave 2X quantum, and the NSF CHMPR center which has more than 30 industry and government partners (e.g., IBM, Northrop Grumman, Lexis Nexis, Dwave Systems Inc, Seagate, Collab Med Tech, GE, Morgan Stanley, NIST/ ISL, NSA/Lab for Phys. Sci., NSA/Central Sec. Services, NASA/GSFC, DHS).

The IS department has a number of research areas including data science, health IT, Human-centered computing, etc. Our faculty members are engaged in state-of-the-art research in their respective fields resulting in peer-reviewed publications in some of the most respected outlets. Our graduate and undergraduate students regularly assist in this research under the guidance of our faculty members. Many of the research in the department are funded by federal and state agencies as well the corporate world. This includes the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, Food and Drug Administration, National Institute of Disability and Rehabilitation Research, Office of Naval Research, US Army, and the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Many of our collaborative research cross state and national boundaries.

The CSEE department has a diverse research portfolio with over $8M of research expenditures per year and often more than $10M). Our location in the Baltimore-DC corridor puts us in the center of one of the largest concentrations of federal agencies and research and development centers as well as many industrial research labs. Our EE and CS Ph.D. programs were highly ranked by the 2010 NRC study for research productivity. UMBC is the lead institution in the NSF funded Industry & University Cooperative Research Center (I/UCRC) named the Center for Hybrid Multicore Productivity (CHMPR). Additionally, UMBC, along with Princeton, Johns Hopkins, Rice, Texas A&M, and CCNY is a member of an NSF Engineering research center named MIRTHE (Mid-Infrared Technologies for Health and the Environment). UMBC has one of the best security programs in US, and has a huge center for cybersecurity. Security is UMBC’s strategic direction.

Dr. Sisi Duan is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Systems, University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She received her Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of California, Davis in 2014 (Advisors: Prof. Karl Levitt and Sean Peisert). She got her bachelor degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Hong Kong in 2010. Prior to joining UMBC in 2017, she was a Weinberg fellow in Computational Data Analytics Group, Oak Ridge National Laboratory from 2015 to 2017. Dr. Duan's research interests include security, resilience, and data analytics in distributed systems and cyber physical systems (sensor network, critical infrastructure systems). She is the recipient of the best paper candidate award at SRDS 2014, Alvin M. Weinberg Distinguished Fellowship from ORNL, and one of the three best paper awards from ICDCN 2017. She has received research funding from several organizations including ORNL and Research Council of Norway.

Dr. Haibin Zhang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Haibin received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Davis (with Prof. Matt Franklin). Previously, he worked as a postdoc for two NSF frontier projects on cloud security --- the MACS project (with Prof. Marten van Dijk, a project among BU, MIT, NEU, and UConn) and the Project Silver (with Prof. Michael Reiter, a project among UNC, Duke, Cornell, Wisconsin, and CMU). He is interested in cloud computing, cryptography, security, privacy, and distributed systems. He received the best paper candidate award at 33rd IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, proved the security of a NIST standard on ciphertext stealing, and was one of the main inventors of Norton Zone, Symantec’s scalable cloud storage. Recently, his BChain protocol has been fully implemented in Hyperledger (as Iroha), a blockchain platform that has 250+ industry members. Iroha is one of five mature projects within Hyperledger umbrella. BChain has been featured in more than media outlets, and Haibin’s other cryptographic works has been used in a number of practical cryptocurrences and blockchain systems. Haibin is a core member of UMBC Center for cybersecurity, CDL, CISA, CARTA, and CHMPR. Haibin has been working with industry partners to deploy blockchain applications.

关于生活。学校地处环境优美,非常安全的巴尔的摩郊区。靠近DC, 周围的Columbia和Ellicott City长期被视为全美排名第一适合居住的小型城市。周围的JH系统是全美最好的医疗系统。(Columbia 有共享单车…)

关于安全: UMBC附近非常非常安全(我们不在Baltimore市区)

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