Stats PhD安家楼面签通过

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ME: Good morning, I am coming for F-1 visa.
VO: Morning, sure. Give me your I20 and your sevis fees confirmation letter please.
ME: Do you also need my study plan?
VO: No, thanks.
~~~~~~~递过I20 and sevis fees confirmation letter~~~~~~~
VO: So what are you going to do in US?
ME: I am going to pursue a Ph.D. degree in Statistics at XXX.
VO: What is your research about?
ME: Our program doesn't require first-year Ph.D. students to finalize their dissertation advisors but I do have a potential one to seek with.
VO: What is his research doing?
ME: He is doing XXX and mostly applied in financial area. I am currently working in financial area.
VO: You got two masters at XXX?
ME: Yes.
VO: Why did you do a second one?
ME: It actually has strong correlation with my first master program but it is more on business side. I think having multiple backgrounds will be good for me to find jobs in China.
VO: I see. What is your plan after graduation?
ME: I will come back to China to be either a faculty or find job in industry. Research environment in China is getting better and companies are building up data center to hire research scientists in this field. My current company is doing this job now. So I would like to join this trend as an expert.
VO: OK. You are approved!
ME: Thank you!

整个过程大概5分钟,期间我还是有点紧张的…… 努力保持镇静和微笑跟她对话。

1. 准备了很多材料但是基本都没有用上。但是个人还是鼓励大家把材料准备齐全,因为我们不知道签证官是不是会要。
2. 签证上一些常见的关键的问题,能够自圆其说,不要被发现漏洞,尤其是回国的理由要有说服力。
3. 尽量放平心态,面带微笑地和签证官对话,无论怎么样,一个人总是笑的话会让对方心里更舒服,增加好感度。着装方面得体就好。


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