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一直不稳定也不高,羡慕很多可以两个29 30的大神
- 六选三:错误类型无非是:1、太细节 2、与原文内容不符 3、原文没提到 如果还不能排除,就根据理解文章的想要表达什么和每一段的中心句,一一排除选项。
- 句子插入题:找插入句子的某些关键词,比如then,indeed,或者代词it,this,或者逻辑关系词however,或者是定位词。一般会有两到三个词可以帮助你定位排除。有时候B选项和C选项明显是承接关系,那这里肯定不会是答案。但我觉得这个题如果你文章读的很懂,其实可以秒选。
- highlight sentence题:排除句子中的干扰成分,括号里的不看,插入语不看,破折号后不看。找到句子的主干和主要的逻辑关系,然后再一一读选项。
- 词汇题: 有时候需要带入原文看看语境。


我之前在知乎上看到一个说法:托福写作字数越多分数越高。我以自身经历证实了,确实是这样……… 综合写作400以上,独立写作550以上,一定可以上27分。我有学长说自己独立写作写了六百多词,给了他三十分。独立写作就开头结尾先敲好,然后中间三大段,两个支持一个反对。每个段落先写中心句。然后开始围绕展开,用举例子,对比,反证等。最有效的增加字数的方法就是举例子,怎么字数多怎么写。我上一个我自己十月份练过的题目,大家不要喷啊体会一下就好= =,我没检查过。。。不要喷啊我玻璃心啊!!

[align="left"]To start with, it is common to us that the costs for advertisement is very high, so the managers of the products will try to make up for their loss. Their are many ways for earn money for a product, but the most direct way is to increase the price for the product. As a result, the price of the product would exceed the true value of the product. This is extremely common in clothing and cosmetics for women. We all know the famous SKII, which is a Japanese cosmetic brand famous for its luxury products. The water for the goddess, which is the most popular one in the Internet, costs nearly 2000RMB for just 330ml. That is astronomical figure for just a bottle of a cosmetics, but women are eager to buy it due to the words in the advertisements. However, not many people can afford such a price. When people save up money to buy a bottle of goddness water, they will be disappointed because the product does not deserve such expensive price, which will bring very bad reputation for the company.[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]Secondly, the advertisements sometimes exaggerate the truth to attract the consumers, which is deceptive behavior. Some managers for the products just want to sell their products, but they don't care whether or not they are telling the truth. For example, we often see ads for shampoos and hair conditioners for L'oreal in the TV. The hair of the models are so smooth and health that it seems to be shinny and reflect the sunlight. To convince the consumers, a comb in the hair will go down without any stop to show the smoothness of the hair. But when I use the shampoos and hair conditioners by myself, my hair is very dry and even worse than before, which makes me feel deceived and I waste my money. I swear not to buy any product from L'oreal anymore. A lot of my female friends complain about the same stories deceived by the ads. Therefore, the advertisements actually do some harm to the products.[/align][align="left"]
[/align][align="left"]然后综合写作,听力记下来越多越好。听力还原越多分数越高,在写作的时候先简单介绍阅读内容,重点还原听力信息。如果时间充足,再去补充阅读的细节内容。独立写作一般都能剩下好几分钟。放一个非常好用的模板:[/align][align="left"]The reading passage and the lecture are both about[/align][align="left"]The reading’s conclusion is that... because...[/align][align="left"]But the lecturer rebuts the statement..., and listed three reasons to support his idea that[/align]
[align="left"]First of all, the author points out that[/align][align="left"]It is mentioned that[/align][align="left"]This point is challenged by the lecturer.[/align][align="left"]She proposed that[/align][align="left"]This is the first obvious divergence where the lecturer disagrees with the reading passage[/align]
[align="left"]Secondly, the author contends that[/align][align="left"]The article notes that[/align][align="left"]The lecturer rebuts this argument.[/align][align="left"]She suggests that[/align][align="left"]She further elaborates on this by mentioning that[/align][align="left"]This is the second explicit point where the lecturer challenges the reading[/align]
[align="left"]Finally, the author states that [/align][align="left"]The article establishes that[/align][align="left"]The lecturer, on the other hand, posits that [/align][align="left"]She puts forth the idea that[/align][align="left"]This is the third point that the lecturer uses to clarify that [/align]
[align="left"]再上一个综合写作的开头模板:[/align][align="left"]1Today, a prevalent statement we often hear is that..., because...[/align][align="left"]2A considerable number of opponents, however, argue that...[/align][align="left"]3As far as I am concerned, the former/latter view seems align with my perspective.[/align][align="left"]4Two reasons would suffice here to support my point of view.[/align]
[align="left"]In summary, we may safely draw the conclusion that.../ I want to reiterate that...[/align]
[align="left"]T12:[/align][align="left"]I choose to/ prefer to 支持或者反对的观点/喜欢的东西,事情等. 10s
First, because 原因1. For example, 举例1. 15-20s
Second, because 原因2. For example, 举例2. 15-20s[/align]
The university plans to do .... in order to (1)... and (2)...
The man/woman agrees/disagrees this idea/suggestion
Second, [/align]
[align="left"]T4: 这个跟听力内容关系很大
...(阅读里的关键概念)is called XXX.
In the professor's example, ...[/align][align="left"]* 在例子中一定要联系概念[/align]
The woman has a problem that ...
The man suggests her either* to A or to B
I will suggest her to choose the first suggestion.
Because, she can [A的优势] and also she can avoid [B的劣势]
Although** she can't finish/keep/do ... [A 的劣势] she can .../ the professor/her roommate will understand/agree since she ....[/align][align="left"]*: either .. or .. 可以帮你省很多时间
**: Although 是很好用的,比如 A的劣势是会上课迟到,你可以说 Although she would be late to the class, if she explain this to the professor, I believe the professor would understand.[/align]
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