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UCI的小蜜快疯了。 Hello,
2 o2 f. i: H2 p5 \* H5 V: S& p8 y+ N! ~# j2 f( k$ y
You are receiving this email because your application for Graduate Study is still under review. Please read this email very, very carefully. Please do not respond to this email.# Y$ y2 q/ \9 J9 ]
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I hesitated in my last email to give you a projected date of whendecisions regarding your admission would be ready. Unfortunately dueto the large volume of applicants, it is taking a little longer to makethese decisions, than we expected. I would rather not give you a seconddate, but would like you to know decisions are being made everyday. No matter how long it takes, your application will be given theconsideration you deserve.! Q9 w7 z! U+ E

7 o0 S* b3 W, T+ PI am asking that you do not send email or phone to ask the status of your application.I will not be able to respond to any emails until all of you have yourdecisions. At this time all emails received before today have beendeleted. Taking time to answer calls and emails takes meaway from preparing the decision emails. I promise you will receive anemail from us when a decision has been made.
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Many of you are worried about the April 15th deadline. Please donot worry. If you have received another admission from another school,and they have given you a deadline; go ahead and accept their offer. If you should receive an offer of admission from- F7 G7 a6 J% I: U3 [. J: B( u
UCI,you will only have to send an email to the other school and thank themfor their offer; but tell them you have decided not to attend. I knowof no school who has had an applicant sent to jail for changing theirmind.
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The offers of admission that we will be ** will not be with financialaid. Any admission offers that are made now will be just for admissiononly. No fellowship aid. It will be possible that after the facultysee your performance as a graduate student, they may offer youfinancial aid during your second year.
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Please do not give up on us, we are working as hard as possible toreview all the applications. I thank you in advance for your patience.; F* _) H1 z5 l$ n( R! i3 H

/ C: r3 {: v6 `% L, C, tWarm Regards,9 |& }9 A* v) t0 |# t, L% B5 Q