eecs@UCI 介绍(updated 5/6 for saving RP)

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1)你在which university, dept/program?哪一年入学的?

2)能说说你们program或者整个系的Grad program招生情况吗? 比如你这一级招了多少新生?其中多少中国人?都是什么背景?
orientation上目测eecs dept加phd有100人左右 中国人30-50人左右 chair说今年有1500+的人申请 据social的情况看基本都是211 985的背景 UCI据说很控GRE和GPA phd认识的除了拿fellowship的就是自费了 很多自费的phd都想来了转master 好像第一年有钱的phd都是fellowship? uci估计是uc里面最穷了的吧 系里面的老师很多都没钱 。


实习很好找 基本都能去broadcom 据上届学长说去broadcom暑假实习的有2、3十人 但是转正难





8)简单谈谈自己在学校social的情况吧? 学校附近的娱乐活动,交通状况,社会治安如何?

UCI的EECS选课比较自由,可以选不少CS方向的课程。我录得EE方向,打算转成CE,只用填一张表就可以了。EECS这学期就开了算法,database,network,computer architecture等cs的课程,可以不用花费selective course的机会,就可以选上不少cs的课。对希望找cs工作的同学的话应该很有利。

拿学位可以选thesis或者comprehensive exam。

关于录取录取硬件GPA GRE T的问题,我在这里一起说了吧:
首先 我不是committee 我也不知道准确的标准是多少 除了硬件之外 学校可能会看重其他一些因素综合考虑申请者 比如本科的reputation rl的强度等等 这些都可能是committee的审查范围 所以我认为所谓的精准的标准是不可能存在的(即精确的分数界限)比如清华的学生GPA可能没有一个普通211的学生高也能拿到AD 或者你申请的方向A申请者爆棚(UCI的ee在申请的时候要选择方向 但录取后不分)即使你的背景也不错 但是和A方向的申请者相比差了 而A方向的只限定了招人数量 所以你还是被刷下来了 同理,你背景较差但选择了一个冷门的方向申请 竞争者较少 你可能被录取

我所说的控GRE GPA 只是据我了解有限的样本作出适用于大多数人情况的推断(基本在T 95 G1300 GPA 85左右)。大家感兴趣可以去地里搜下录取人的背景,然后结合自己情况,作出理性的判断。我知道的样本不全,我不可能知道所有被淘汰的申请者的指标和所有录取学生当时对应的申请方向和每个人的分数。所以有些人说我说得不对,比如自己身边就有多少多少分被录取的例子,或者今年申请完,说原来UCI不控硬件啊 我这么渣都拿到AD之类的话语。请别怪我,我不对虚拟论坛上的话语负责。

其次,申请是个动态的过程,今年的形势可能又会发生变化(如申请人数 招生政策等)。去年多少多少分被录取,今年是不是这个情况,我也不清楚。我要是那么准,那我就去开留学公司赚钱了。不变的定理是分数越高越好,在众多申请者中的综合背景越突出越好,尤其是对于申请MS来说。


Some friends asked me some questions about UCI via short message, I attached them here as Q&A, hope it helps. ( All I said here is not official, part of them is not validated, I am not responsible for any changes in my post. you must make decisions by yourself, and I just tell you what I've known) I hope you guys can directly post your question in this thread and ask questions after reading all solved questions, so it will save my time and help someone else that has same questions.

Q: 1)I WAS wondering that would the advisor approve all my request for CS courses? 2) So, if I do not want to postpone my graduation, I can finish my degree within 4 quarters? 3) Would it be convenient If I do not plan buy a car before graduation? 4)The pace of life there is fast ,is not it ? so I do not have time to take English courses. 4)I have some experience of projects that deals with digital image.But my coding skill is still weak. I plan to study data structure by myself as soon as possible . Thanks for your advice.

1) talk argue and negotiate. I know a lot india students have already substituted 3 or more courses
2) Yes. But I don't recommend that. Your job is to find job in US, NOT GRADUATE. Most company allow student work part-time in following 4-5 quarter, so the internship length could be extended to ~ 10 month
3) No. Everything needs a car. Get license and buy car ASAP. You cannot walk/ take bus to work.
4) very fast, increase exponentially. The first quarter I come here, I think the tempo is fast. But it seems that is the easiest time

Q:1)I think I would go to UCI. How many quarters students usually have ?5 quarters is possible or reasonable? Then , when should I begin my job search? When should I begin my intern application if I want to have an intern in the first summer? How about your intern application? 2)Could I understand it in this way :before I begin interning, I have to buy a car. I plan to buy a car in the 3rd quarter ,is OK?

A: Typically 5q. You can submit your resume as soon as you come here. There is a job fair in oct. someone get intern before dec. most got intern now. You don't "have to. I recommend to buy it in spring break.

Q: 1)CPT能马上12月就用么?我怎么听说是得9个月之后才用?还有像是4-5 quarter的时候,不是说得3门课保持F1的身份么? 那这个时候part time 冲突么?还是学校会把你的实习换成学分?
2)if I miss the job fair in Oct, I have to apply by website? Is there a job fair in every quarter? If not, except Oct , when will other job fair will be held? Is the job fair big?
3)选课方面我还是有疑问,这是最关心的,所以问的比较琐碎啰嗦~thx! 是说我可以把课程列表中的CS课换成CE的核心课程对不?但是这个必须通过advisor同意对不?你说的“ substituted 3 courses”是指 你不仅将core courses 替换了,同时还替换了Selective courses中的3门么? EECS215 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 这门课是传统上的CS的算法课么?还是传统的算法课得令修CS系的?希望我去的时候advisor没换,还是这门好讲话!

A: 1) it does not mean to work immediately, of course, it is summer internship. Most big companies like google are hiring students this time for internship next summer at 11~12. Part time does not require to keep 12 units. I remember you can just hold for 6 units to keep status.
2) each quarter there is a job fair. You can also submit the resume on line, most of time the recuriter also tells you to do so. But you may get slightly more chances to be notified for interviews because your resumes may be screened when you talked with HR. And you can asked for contact card/ asked them to connect with you on linkedin so that you can forward resume to them afterward. Anyway, talk to people and build the network is not a bad thing.
**** when you come, you can get more information about finding jobs, tuition, how to keep status. Don't worry about that, all you need to do now is to improve yourself and try to learn as more as possible in China
3) "是说我可以把课程列表中的CS课换成CE的核心课程对不" --- I mean concentration course, not 3 core courses ( 211, 213 ,215) I don't know if these 3 courses can be substituted. I have never tried that.
但是这个必须通过advisor同意对不 --- yes. You need to submit a form in the department. And secretary will ask you to attach the email with advisor, which indicates that he has approved your request
你说的“I have already substituted 3 courses”是指 你不仅将core courses 替换了,同时还替换了Selective courses中的3门么----I don't understand what you mean. I have substituted 3 CS courses to concentration course. not the selective courses. You can choose whatever you want without substitution for selective courses.
EECS215 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 这门课是传统上的CS的算法课么-- yes, the material is the same as CS. But the professor demsky last year is bad ( the professor that teaches this courses in previous year is in sabbatical, I don't knnow if this fall she will teach you, she is better than demsky)

Q:学费依旧是1W1quarter?每年都需要交2k 多的保险对不?---
A: check out with coordinator. I don't know if it will change next year. The tuition this year is 10050 * 3 ( insurance included )

Q: 想问一下,今年EE去broadcom实习还是那么好找么?
A: A lot of them got referred by previous students.本帖隐藏内容需要登录后才能查看。

A: You can substitute courses in CS into eecs221 if approved by advisor.

Q: 1)照你上所述是不是CE也就选4门cs的课?我想学数据结构和数据库之类的课有可能么?2)如果要求的12门课都修完了,比如满足了毕业的学分要求,我是不是就能随意修其它CS的课程了?3)授课型的主要都是上课,UCI的老师尽责么?授课质量怎么样?照本宣读的老师多么?

A: 1) base on your strategy . Selective course can be all CS courses 3 cores are "CS" courses in eecs dept, that is algorithm , os and architecture rest of concentration courses can be selected from CS if approved by advisor to repeatedly substitute to eecs221 and repeatedly counted as concentrate course. Data structure is offered in this quarter. Database management will be offered in CS next quarter. You can refer to Webreg to find out history course offerings. It seems that for the proj you need to iimplement a database by using c++, and write ~5k lines code 2) if you want to postpone your graduAtion, you can leave some core courses in five quarter 3)some prof are good,some are bad, it depends on yourself to learn material .4)there are some esl courses, but I believe you don't have time to take it.

补充内容 (2013-5-20 19:44):
任何时候直到毕业前一个学期 因为还需一段时间批准 确保在毕业前达到ce毕业要求 尽早提交。我不知道国内能不能转 具体问小米 另外选课权限和你是什么专业无关 可先选课再填表。
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哆啦嗦 发表于 2013-3-1 15:02
楼主你好是~我前天收到了UCI的EECS的录取,方向是EE的,按照你说EE转CE是很方便哦,因为我想学偏软的,想学 ...


这个属于EE EECS系下有图像处理的课程 如果你对这方向感兴趣可以选CS系的图像处理课 有很多不错的老师比如charles CS那边的老师也比较多 课比较全 也有一个lab EE这边的图像lab好像已经关闭了? 以前是有visual的concentration 后来取消了 应该是师资和经费不足的关系


找工作和做proj没啥直接的关系 老师做的proj一般和工业界离得比较远 很fancy的一些技术工业界大多不care。 EE这边有些老师的实验室听说比较好进 我没试过 你得去问 看你喜欢什么方向的了 EE这边图像没戏 我室友问过 老师好像不招人目前。。。这届还来了一个孟加拉的AP在找人 但是做的是嵌入式方向 不过大多老师在学术界不太活跃 而我这学期选的Cs的课的老师很多招学生做individual study 项目也比较有趣 如果你想去做proj练手的话 CS那边也是一个很好的选择

找CS的工作这边机会非常多 看你题刷的怎么样了CS CE 包括EE都非常容易找实习 broadcom 等等

学费3个quarter一个quarter1W刀 一个月房租600左右 剩下看你怎么花了 一个月加起来1200刀足够
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moophis 发表于 2012-10-9 12:42

如果你录在EECS,EE CS方向随便你挑,课随你选,比较灵活,因为是在一个department,申请的时候就按自己最拿手的来申吧。但是选ICS那边的课是有限制的。还有一个program是叫做Netsystem,EECS负责招人,ICS和EECS共同培养,这个program最爽的是两边课都能选,自由度非常大,蛮给力的,招的人略少就是了,今年招了三个人,如果你以后来UCI,其中一个人叫A神,你一定会知道的!
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我来补充一下吧,不知道这位发帖大神是谁,我也是UCI 2012Fall EECS新生。电路这块来看,UCI做数电的人基本没有,数电课也少,跟USC没法比,想学数电,慎重考虑UCI。模电课还是很全的,270ABCD,上课的教授没有Razavi这样大牛,但水平也不差,不过跟UCLA,UCB这种学校比那就算了吧,人家大师如云。唯一好处就是靠着Broadcom,实习非常方便,2011Fall 就EE方向就有40个人中国学生吧,据学长说30多个去了Broadcom实习,实习略无聊,但是有钱的,暑期三个月可以赚回一个学期的学费了,而且开学了还可以party time,一周20小时。还是比较可观的。至于找工作,很大程度还是看个人努力和个人实力,不可否认学校牌子的因素,学不学的到东西还是看你自己吧,好好利用学校资源。 PS:读MS的话去个就业好的学校才是王道,UCI在这方面不差,我比较肤浅。至于神马Research,目前感觉真心跟大部分MS没有关系,如果你真的想找教授,到学校来,好好努力,我觉得肯定找得到人带你。
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