NYU-POLY PHD 超晚Offer...

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[/align][align="left"]The CSE department would like to offer you admission to the PhD program[/align][align="left"]in CS at NYU-Poly. The support still has to be approved, however – I am[/align][align="left"]hoping to get it approved in the next two days. I apologize for not contacting[/align][align="left"]you earlier to keep you updated on the status of your application here.[/align]
[align="left"]If the support is approved, we[/align][align="left"]will try to get an official offer to you as soon as possible.[/align]
[align="left"]We would be offering you one year of support, including stipend and[/align][align="left"]tuition. To have support for future years, you would need to find[/align][align="left"]a permanent research advisor within your first year who would be able[/align][align="left"]to fund your studies in subsequent years out of research grants. [/align][align="left"](Assuming that you do well and have some flexibility in terms of your research area,[/align][align="left"]you should be able to do this.)[/align]
[align="left"]I will be in touch with you as soon as I know more. Please do not hesitate to contact[/align][align="left"]me for more information or for an update.[/align]
[align="left"]Please send me a quick email confirming that you have received this message.[/align]
[align="left"]在这里给大家简要介绍一下我的奇葩经历,我6月12号已经用了Cornell的CS MS的I20拿了签证。突然间,将近6个月都显示材料没有寄齐,被我坚定地认为要默拒我的NYU-POLY (PHD)给我发了一封邮件(6月26号)告诉我要面试,我想反正以后找工作要面试,就面面看吧,练练手,自己也没怎么准备,根本不抱希望,做好了丢人的准备。就跟教授约了后天(6月28日)的Skype面试。我觉得他要问我技术类的问题,肯定一塌糊涂,给奖的PHD从来不奢望,从没发过一篇Paper,连中文的都没有。我之前一共申请了5个PHD,Buffalo血淋淋的无奖PHD AD和Delaware(这个更传奇,到现在也没说给不给钱), Clemson给我降成MS,西北被拒掉。所有这些没有经历过一次面试。所以对面试无任何经验,也不报任何希望。。面试之前也挺紧张的,可谁知道面试的时候,那个教授完全就是一种 "就你吧,赶紧同意了吧,我不想再找别人了" 的感觉(估计是有个学生临时变卦不去了),我本着先拿下再纠结的原则就顺水推舟了。。。12分钟的面试,大部分时间其实是我在狂侃胡扯一些人生理想和未来选择的东西,随便说了几个大学的课设(就连research area教授都说没关系,你先来,来了之后我先当你的advisor,一年后你再挑教授就好了,不过我估计是他自己缺人,要把我骗过去。。)我的宿舍打DOTA的舍友都听傻了。。觉得我的口语瞬间碉堡了。。。可能是一开始紧张的原因,说话超级快,后面的节奏慢不下来了。教授一听我以后要当Faculty,立刻说你等着吧,我去给你要offer去。然后面试就完了。。。我突然间不知道该怎么办了。。[/align]
[align="left"]cis.poly.edu这是我的initial advisor,大家看看怎么样吧。。[/align][align="left"]我其实想找工作,和Cornell CS群里的DS和MM们,光兄,Lyn,肉球,Yan,小然,junjun,流苏他们都混的好熟了。。舍不得亲们啊。。。可是又怕自己实力不济,CS的PHD找工作缓冲时间长一些,回国PHD是不是含金量大一些?我以后想回国的。。但是想先工作一段时间。看这个advisor的中国学生Placement还行吧,不过我也不太懂。。另外就是NYU-POLY只有三栋楼,在布鲁克林,会不会活的很枯燥。。?[/align]
[align="left"]敢问地里还有比我更晚的PHD Offer吗?我都拿了签证还好改吗?Cornell那个没钱,就是MS AD.[/align][align="left"]小弟Adam在这里谢过大家了。。。[/align][align="left"]---------------------------------后续----------------------------------------------[/align][align="left"]今天又收了一封邮件,真要发给我了,肿么办?我的SEVIS RECORD都已经在Cornell了...[/align][align="left"]
[/align][align="left"]I’m very pleased to inform you that the support was approved and we areadmitting you to the CS PhD program at NYU-Poly! Within a week, we hope to get you the official letter offering you the researchassistantship (which will cover your first two semesters in theprogram). It will take longer for you to get your official admissions packet,which will include the I-20 you will need to get your visa. Prof. Torsten Suel will be your official research advisor for the first-yearresearch assistantship, but you are welcome to explore thepossibility of doing research with other faculty members. We expectyou to find a permanent research advisor by the end of your second semester. Best wishes, and we hope to see you soon at NYU-Poly! L. Hellerstein Prof. Lisa HellersteinChair, Committee on PhD Admissions in CS[/align][align="left"]

Qi[/align][align="left"]I requested a SEVIS Help Desk datafix and your SEVIS record has been returned to Cornell. You can enter in on the Cornell I-20 and will not need to travel to Ithaca if you decide to go to NYU. Please inform my colleague, Sarah Hilsman, (1point3acres.com) once you have arrived in the US and she can process the transfer if you will be attending NYU-POLY.[/align][align="left"]Let me know if there are questions.[/align][align="left"]All The Best[/align][align="left"]Adriana[/align]----------------------------------------------------------------9月8号早上at Brooklyn-----------------------------------------------------------关于大家好奇的NYU和NYU-POLY合并的相关内容:
Overview of the Polytechnic University – New York University Affiliation and Proposed Consolidation Agreement
Prepared for the New York State Department of Education
Board of Regents
April 2008
Polytechnic University (Polytechnic) and New York University (NYU) intend to join in a two-phase process that will result in Polytechnic becoming the school of technology and engineering of NYU.
; In the first phase (Affiliation) Polytechnic will become an affiliated enterprise of NYU and will continue as a separate not-for-profit education corporation in New York State, with NYU as the sole member. Its name will be Polytechnic Institute of New York University.
; Ultimately, the goal is for Polytechnic to become a school of NYU (Consolidation) and will no longer be a separate corporation.
; To initiate this process and to implement the terms of the Affiliation and Proposed Consolidation Agreement (the “Agreement”)1, Polytechnic is petitioning the Board of Regents for a charter amendment which reflects its new status and relationship to NYU.

The length of time before Consolidation occurs is not specified in the Agreement, but both parties anticipate that it will take no less than three years and up to seven to ten years, for Polytechnic to be ready for Consolidation. Quarterly meetings will be held between the leadership of the two Universities, including an annual progress reports specified in the Agreement, to discuss progress in each of the six areas identified by the indicators and to make recommendations for advancing toward the goal of Consolidation.

NYU已经正式同意接受POLY为Engineering School,感觉自己的选择不亏。。详见1point3acres.com
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