Information Science PhD ad Check!!!

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由于自己是PhD ad,所以格外注意财力证明材料,开了一大堆,包括存款证明,母亲收入证明,自己的收入证明,税单,土地证等。

VO: give me your materials.
Me: ok, I have brought a lot of materials, please hold on for a sec.

VO: Would you please tell me what's the major "Information Science"?
Me: ok, information science is similar with Computer Science, but it is still a little different with computer science. Information science is a higher lever major, and application-oriented major. Its research areas are mainly focusing on the data analysis, like data mining and natural language processing. While Computer Science is a traditional major, like computer networks, architectures and programming languages.

VO: Ok, give me your CV please?
Me: here it is.

VO: Is that your study plan? (我从文件夹抽cv的时候,他看到了我旁边的study plan...囧...那眼神超级好啊)
Me: yep, do you need this?
VO: sure.
(开始递study plan...)


然后我就收到一张白条,administrative processing...3周之后出结果...


PhD ad不要愁财力证明是1年还是5年了...好好写study plan吧!!!

我的背景是:自动语音识别相关的应用,computer-assisted language learning,我的硕士课题是多模态人机交互主要是语音控制之类的...