这个回复是不是说明在waiting list上?

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我问的associate chair,他的回复如下,意思是不是说我在waiting list上?貌似的意思是如果有其他学校逼我做决定,他们可以提前点做决定?这个学校是我目前剩下的最理想的学校了。我感觉他家都是committee做决定,这样的话还用陶瓷吗?

Hello! The PhD committee has made their first round offers. It is unlikely that they will be making any more decisions until the end of March or the beginning of April. We will post your decisions then. Please feel free to contact me if you are up against a deadline for another university and we will try to get you your decision to you earlier, if possible. Thank you for your patience.