CMU MISM Interview (补发)

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拖延症晚期补发一个CMU MISM的面经,是2.14晚上交的面试(掐着DDL),希望现在还能有帮助
1.Your career plan in long term and how heinz college help you?
3.Your first paid job and what you learned from it?

1. why do you like heinz college?
2. how teammates help you in a group work?
3. tell us about a situation where you had to solve a problem weighing the advantages and disadvantages of a number of options.
4. a situation when your ethics were challenged and how you handle it and put your honesty into test?
5. tell us what's interesting about yourself, that is not reflected in any other applying materials.
6. tell us a project that failed
7. Tell us the most innovative idea you have got.
8. Your important or proudest achievement?
9. Illustrate how you acknowledge your teammate's achievement
10. 为什么在这个时间点选择读研究生
11. 有个学生不尊重老师你会怎么处理这个情况?
12. Apart from work and study, what is the activity that you commit most to? and why?
13. Tell us a time when you get assistance from your teammates
14. What past academic experience will help you to succeed in your future study at Heinz
15. Tell us a time you have worked and helped others
16. If you could have meal with any two people, past or present, who will be and why
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