普渡的这个Admission Decision到底算不算录取了啊

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Admission Decision部分如下
Congratulations! The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering has completed the evaluation of your application to enter the graduate program for the Fall 2012 semester. We are pleased to advise you that your application has been forwarded to the Graduate School with our recommendation that you be admitted as a Masters degree student.
Please understand that you have not been officially admitted to the Purdue University until you receive the letter from the Graduate School, which will be uploaded to your application within 2-3 weeks. If you do not receive this letter, please contact us.

这个是说我已经被录取只剩书面通知了 还是说我才过了ECE部门的审核 还需要等待研究生部门的一轮筛选?
有木有相同经历的童鞋啊 最后结果如何 好紧张好紧张