被SIT secondary review该如何力挽狂澜?

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一月份提交的申请,现在还没有回复,于是就问了一下小蜜怎么回事,然后得到如下回复[align="left"]Thank you for your continued interest in Stevens Institute of Technology. It appears your application was initially reviewed, but held for further re-evaluation, as it did not meet the admissibility requirements set by the department. Your application is currently on hold for secondary review; however, there is no timeframe for a final admissions decision.[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]Please be assured that the Office of Graduate Admissions will contact you with your status update as soon as we receive the final decision from the Academic Department. [/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]I wish you the best of luck throughout the application process.[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]意思是我没有希望了吗?如果还有戏,请问各位大神我该如何去做,现在真的很着急?本人渣背景,TG也低,已经工作两年了,但是跟cs方向又没有关系,跟地里的大神也比不了,现在只想有个差不多的学校能让我去学习。[/align][align="left"]谢谢大家!!![/align]
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