1st offer from UCSB & Mianjing

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Using ubuntu now and PInyin typing is not working very well. Sorry this post would be in English.

Just got an email from a prof(NOT POI) who interviewed me a month ago. Congrats for my official coming-soon admission. So probably I was admitted and UCSB is sending out admissions very soon.

Background: undergrad in HK, area: DB & OS, one first-author paper & poster at a tier-2 conference, one second-author paper at a CCF-A journal. Two Strong LoRs

Mianjing: Notified at new year's eve. New AP said he was voluntarily reviewing applications of UCSB and mine got his attention. Talk about what I want to pursue if I do get admitted at UCSB. Ask some questions like why HE chose UCSB since he is kinda fresh-off-the-boat PHD. No contacts after then.

补充内容 (2018-2-7 12:39):
do get admitted to UCSB
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