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背景:美本数学系,美硕统计。在一家10K人左右的tech company不在湾区。F家律师。Title: Associate Data Science Engineer。RFE原因prove the position requires Bachelor's degree。律师在起初的RFE response中是打算如此应对“ Again, while we want make the argument that this position is sufficiently specialized as to warrant a Bachelor's degree, we also want to underscore that this a junior level role.
1st Sub-Bullet: If possible, please clarify what the actual job duties mean in layman's terms. Please try and translate this into readily understandable English.
2nd Sub-Bullet: Please provide a representative example of this type of work.Here, please also underscore how you are supervised every step of the way. So - again, ensure that you show that it's sufficiently complex, while still underscoring it's a junior-level role. You can also provide representative examples of your work (as referenced on the call)
3rd Sub-Bullet: How do you leverage your Bachelor's and/or Master's degree while performing these duties? Why are your degrees relevant? ” 然后本人和公司准备了好多job description之类的文档,我工作的码还有report都也document了,还有第三方expert witness。不过我本人的确没有review所有送出去的资料,都是take my lawyer's words for it. RFE是8/17/2017收到的with a 11/9/2017 response deadline 律师拖到11/3/2017才回复。过了新年之后还没有收到任何回音,所以要求pp,1/23/2018 pp收到 2/5/2018 被拒