2018 UW MSIS KIRA 炒鸡面筋汇总 (5个大类 一共39题) + Kira Talent吐槽

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拖到2/1 Dealine的凌晨,做了视频面试之后以为终于能松口气了,然后马上被加两天班。科科。今天才有时间理一下,不知道同18Summer的大家还能不能用得上?(Kira给我发的邮件说是可以2/6之前提交的,然而为了保险我还是按2/1面了)。用不上的话就留给19Summer的童鞋做参考,攒RP~


1. Describe the most innovative change that you have initiated and what you did to implement this change
2. What drives your professional life? (之前没看到过的题)
3. Have you used data warehouse and data marts?


Experience (Teamwork/Leadership)
1. Work experience with people of diverse backgrounds. How do you like it?
2. What opportunities have you had working and collaborating in diverse settings?
3. At work, deal with people with different background or value systems, what would you do?
4. Tell us about a time when you changed your style to work more effectively in a team with people from different backgrounds.
5. How will you deal with people from different backgrounds as a team leader?
6. A moment you show your leadership
7. Give us one example of your achievement as a team leader.
8. What is the leadership style of your supervisor, and what would you wish your supervisor to improve?

Experience (Achievement/Handle Difficulty)
1. What is the project that you're most proud of? and describe your contribution
2. Something you’ve never done, result?
3. Tell me about something you learned in the recent years that is important to you.
4. Give me a situation that you have to give someone a difficult feedback.
5. Tell us about a difficult decision you had to make recently. Walk us through the problem, what your thought process was and how you ultimately handled it.
6. Describe the most innovative change that you have initiated and what you did to implement this change
7. One thing you want to change in the way of approaching challenges
8. Give an example of an information systems-related idea that you’ve thought through or implemented.

1. What is your career goal?
2. Career goals if you are admitted into Foster MSIS.
3. Why are you looking to pursue an MSIS from Foster at this time?
4. Why foster MSIS?
5. The pathway that lead you to apply MSIS
6. How did you become interested in Information Systems?
7. Why MSIS wants you?
8. What factors do you consider when approaching career decisions? What is the most important factor?
9. What is your ideal working environment?
10. What drives your professional life?
11. 说一下information systems在行业中带来的变化/作用

Technical Skills
1. How are you familiar with an object development environment? What platform have you used?
2. Tell us about your experience with databases. How have you used them and what platforms are you familiar with?
3. How are you familiar with the protocols and infra-structural issues related to large-scale data networks?
4. Have you used data warehouse and data marts?
5. what do you do to keep technical skills current?

Personal (这些我都在Practice Questions里刷出来过)
1. 最喜欢什么网站以及为什么;
2. 最近读过的一本书;
3. outside work喜欢做什么
4. good和exceptional的区别
5. 数Seattle一共有多少家Starbucks的思路
6. 你朋友会用什么 3 character traits 形容你
7. 如果你在autumn将要入学,有什么是你认为自己将会非常想念的东西(something you will miss)?



- 正式来的时候告诉我,Chrome被禁用了,啥时候重新启用不知道,您就凑合先用Firefox吧。我???
- 马上点Kira里面的链接去下Firefox,Firefox告诉我Flash没装。我明明装了,之前用Chrome的时候练习的时候还好好的呀???
- 马上点Kira里面的链接去Adobe官网下Flash重装,然而等了15分钟,下载进度5%,我???
- 一怒之下度娘了个现成的最新版装上,终于能用了,此时已来到2/1凌晨..


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