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[align="left"]开头:引入问题+简单分析利弊+自己的观点 (100词左右,可背诵开头模板)[/align][align="left"]主体段一:主旨句(即点明问题之利)(15词)+一两句话解释为什么会有利(30词)+例证(100词)+一句话总结(10词)[/align][align="left"]主体段二:主旨句(即点明问题之利)(15词)+一两句话解释为什么会有利(30词)+例证 (100词)+一句话总结(10词)[/align][align="left"]主体段三:问题之弊(即让步段)+转折+分析弊<利 (70词左右,时间允许的话最好加例证)[/align][align="left"]结尾:总结全文之利(即主体段一和主体段二)+小小展望一下未来 (30词,可背诵模板)[/align]
[align="left"]以上是笔者在写作时的大致思路,不管遇到什么题目,笔者都会先想两个正向的角度加一个反向的角度,然后立马开始背写开头段。可能还有人会说例证写100词太难了,其实我们要知道,托福作文的例子是可以编的。ETS允许考生通过虚构一个场景来证明自己的立场。笔者看完老友记后,举例子永远都是my nephew Ross 怎么怎么样,在编故事时绘声绘色,添油加醋,不断地填充细节,这样下来,100词都不够写,根本不必担心没得写。[/align]

[align="left"]The world has witnessed a great difference in thepast several decades; ground-breaking technology replaced old clumsy tools, andthe development of economy is in a speed that beyond an average person'simagination. Now, when it come to the issue of whether young people are better able to make decisions on their own,people's opinions differ from person to person. Someone believe that withthe help of new technology, children now can make well-considered decisions ontheir own; while others imply that parents stillhave an important say on their children's decisions. However,in the ultimate analysis, I contend that young people now are betterable to make decisions. (第一段几乎全是模板)[/align][align="left"]
[/align][align="left"]First of all, moderntechnology enables young people to make a well-considered decision.(主旨句) To put it another way, with theinternet, social media, and all kinds of newspaper and magazines, children noware much more well-informed than they were in the past. Thus, with theassistance of these modern technology, it is not necessary to ask parents foradvice when children are making decisions.(两句话解释主旨句) Take my own experience for instance. When I was choosingwhich college to go after high school graduation, I did a deep research on theinternet. Surfing colleges' official website, I know about their majors and theinternship opportunities they can provide; sending e-mails with professors, Ihad a better understanding about their speciality; talking to current studentswith social media, I got lots of their useful advice. With the help of moderntechnology, I chose a college I never regret.(例证) However, if I hadlived in the past without these technology, I might have gone to any collegethat my parents suggested to go.(一句话总结)[/align][align="left"]
[/align][align="left"]What is more, young peoplenow are more financial independent than they were in the past, which gives themopportunities to make decisions on their own. (主旨句) On the contrary, inthe past, teenagers usually had less chance to gain money. Therefore, they hadto get their parents' permission when they want to make decisions. (两句话解释主旨句)Take my friend, Bob, as an example. Bob had gone to dozens of countries with the money he made fromplaying computer games. Thus, when he was deciding which country to go for thissummer holiday, he did not have to get his parents' permission because he couldafford it by his own. (例证) However, for young people in the past, itis impossible for them to make money so easily. (一句话总结)[/align][align="left"]
[/align][align="left"]Indeed, parents alwayshave an important say when we are making decisions. We may listen to theirsuggestions considering that they have more experience. Thus, some people maythink that children now still depend on their parents to make decisions. (让步)However,nowadays, the culture has changed a lot. Teenagers now focus more on freedom,and they are willing to make a decision on their own. In addition, parents noware also want to let their children make decisions so that they can grow upduring the process of making decisions. (分析利大于弊)In this case, young peopleare becoming better and better to make decisions on their own.(一句话总结)[/align][align="left"]
[/align][align="left"]All in all, from what has been discussed above, wecan safely draw the conclusion that young people noware better able to make decisions about their own lives, especially with thehelp of modern technology and the development of economy.(总结全文继续套模板)[/align]

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