这个可不可以当作已经被邀请去open house了?

有一个套磁的到老师给我发邮件说: ......Happy holidays to you also! I hope you will be at the Medical Physics Open House on Feb.xx. If so, I am looking forward to meeting you. My understanding is that you will be invited, but I can confirm this further with the admissions committee if necessary. Are you planning on attending?

求各位鉴定下 这个算不算已经被邀请了呢? 然后学校官网说 如果被邀请到 open house 就算已经被accepted了, 因为他们说 accepted student will be invited to open house held in February. 所以这个算口头 offer吗?

新年快乐 谢谢大家 也希望大家 offer 多多!
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