CMU BIC项目"evolve into" MS-AIE项目

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Dear applicants,

Thank you for applying to the MS-BIC program at Carnegie Mellon University. This letter is to inform you that the program is in the process of evolving into the Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence and Entrepreneurship (MS-AIE). The curriculum will be modified accordingly, though we envision much of it to remain as it is now. There will be no change to the duration or cost of the program. More information will be available early next semester before you would need to make a decision on whether to enroll if accepted.

At present all applicants for MS-BIC will be automatically considered for the MS-AIE program unless you inform us that you would rather be considered for the MS in Computational Biology (MSCB) instead. As we consider applications, if we notice some applicants whom in our opinion are appropriate for MSCB consideration, those will also be considered for MSCB as well as MS-AIE. If you would rather not be considered for either MS-AIE or MSCB please notify us soon and we will refund your application fee.

In summary, your options are:

1) Do nothing. This means you will be considered for MS-AIE and possibly for MSCB

2) Tell us if you want to be considered for MSCB and not MS-AIE

3) Tell us if you want to cancel your application and we will refund your application fee.

Please respond by January 15th to email address if you want either option 2 or 3 above.

Thank you for your consideration,

John Vu
Director, MS Program in Biotechnology Innovation and Computation
Distinguished Career Professor of Computer Science
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
Office: 412 268 8812

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