University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) IS PhD 全奖项目

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[align="left"]The Information Systems (IS) department of UMBC is seeking at least 4 fully supported PhD to work on security, distributed systems, cloud computing (OpenStack), permissioned blockchains (BFT), food safety, IoT, graph-based data analytics, and high-performance computing. The candidates are expected to have a strong programming ability and a strong desire to work with real systems.[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]Your host will be Dr. Sisi Duan([/align][align="left"]Contact: sduan (at)[/align][align="left"]Please send your CV. If your major is not CS/IS, please also include your unofficial transcript. [/align][align="left"]Please note the Fall 2018 application deadline is Feb 1. Please let me know if you could not make the deadline. [/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]UMBC is ranked 70 in CS/IS according to US News, and places 7th in a new ranking of "Most Innovative" national universities. The IS department has a few major research areas including security, data science, health IT, and human centered computing. We have the NSF CHMPR center which has more than 30 industry and government partners (e.g., IBM, Northrop Grumman, Lexis Nexis, Dwave Systems Inc, Seagate, Collab Med Tech, GE, Morgan Stanley, NIST/ ISL, NSA/Lab for Phys. Sci., NSA/Central Sec. Services, NASA/GSFC, DHS).[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]同时也欢迎国家公派留学人员(研究生和老师)。学校周边机会真的非常多: 靠近NIST, NSF, NSA, FDA, NIH, NASA等政府机构, 和很多IT企业(比如洛克希德马丁。学校出门还有research park, BWtech等众多科技公司。[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]关于生活。学校地处环境不错,非常安全的巴尔的摩郊区。靠近DC, 周围的Columbia和Ellicott City长期被视为全美排名第一适合居住的中小型城市。周围的JH系统是全美最好的医疗系统。[/align][align="left"]
[/align][align="left"]关于Prof. Sisi Duan. Dr. Sisi Duan is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Systems, University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She received her Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of California, Davis in 2014 (Advisors: Prof. Karl Levitt and Sean Peisert ). She got her bachelor degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Hong Kong in 2010. Prior to joining UMBC in 2017, she was a Weinberg fellow in Computational Data Analytics Group, Oak Ridge National Laboratory from 2015 to 2017. Dr. Duan's research interests include security, resilience, and data analytics in distributed systems and cyber physical systems (sensor network, critical infrastructure systems, etc).[/align][align="left"]She is the recipient of the best paper candidate award at SRDS 2014, Alvin M. Weinberg Distinguished Fellowship from ORNL, and one of the three best paper awards from ICDCN 2017. She has received research funding from several organizations including ORNL and Research Council of Norway. [/align][align="left"]主页[/align]