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1.The recommendation presents a view that I would agree is successful most of the time, but one that I cannot fully support due to the “all or nothing” impression it gives.
2.Before I reach my final conclusion, I feel the urge to point out that it's not always an advisable suggestion to require all …. To understand this point, we must realize… Under such circumstances, it is hard for … Therefore it would be…
To sum up, it would be very helpful with respect to …, though admittedly for some particular disciplines, this may not be a good recommendation.

In this argument, the arguer advocates that (main idea可以写长一点)… Although this argument might seem reasonable at first glance, it is in fact ill-conceived. The reason are stated as follows.

In the first place, the arguer assumes that (谬误1)… Although this is entirely possible, the arguer offers no evidence to substantiate this crucial assumption. It is very likely that(原因1).An appropriate example is not very far to seek. Example1. The arguer’s reasoning is definitely flawed unless the arguer can convince me that these an other possible scenarios are unlikely.

In the second place, the arguer assumes that (谬误2 ). Nevertheless, there is no guarantee that it is necessarily the case, and the arguer does not supply any evidence to confirm this assumption. It is quite possible that ( 原因2 ). To illustrate this point clearly, let us take a look at the following representative example. Example 2. Without accepting for and ruling out these and other alternative explanations, the arguer cannot bolster the recommendation.

Last but not the least, even if the evidence turns out to support the foregoing assumptions, the arguer just simply assumes that (谬误3 ) and neither any conclusive scientific evidence nor any anecdotal evidence is provided to affirm this assumption. It is reasonable to doubt that what the arguer assumes will not happen in reality. It is just as possible that ( 原因3). Example 3. To reach the cited conclusion, the arguer must explain either why none of these alternatives is available of why none of them is able to sustain.

To sum up, the arguer’s argument mentioned above is not based on valid evidence or sound reasoning, neither of which is dispensable for a conclusive argument. In order to draw a better conclusion, the arguer should reason more convincingly, cite some evidence that is more persuasive, and take every possible consideration into account.
vague data、changing scopes 、false analogy 、incomplete thought 、insufficient evidence 、unwarranted assumption、failing to weigh the advantage and disadvantage thoroughly、inferring future condition from past/current condition
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