此贴说明 NYU Tandon 为何不是首选

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我只用NYU和Santa Clara University 的 Computer Engineering 做对比,如果你在国外可以自己搜索 “NYU vs Santa Clara University Computer", 只有Quora的一个帖子谈到了这两个学校的 Computer Engineering的选择。我贴出所有的Review,自己不评价,怕被喷。你如果有高的成绩,应该去工程学院强的名校,至少得去USC的Viterbi (本人就那里奖学金毕业),去SCU只是为了转CSE而已。

I would say Santa Clara in this case because SCU really does have a reputation in the SV as being a good college for Math/CS and other mathy fields, and many Valley companies readily hire SCU grads (Apple, Google, Facebook etc).

Given that neither SCU nor NYU offer complete fin. Aid, this makes it an easy choice. And furthermore, SCU will give you a better undergraduate education, and you'll have more research and intern opportunities at SCU because the faculty there will go out of there way to make sure you succeed.

And, if you'd like graduate school Stanford is just down the street, and they are well aware of SCU, and they admit lots of SCU grads for MS and PhD programs. And, SCU has a 5 year coterminal BS + MS program as well, meaning you could simply earn your MS at SCU no strings attached if you wanted to. And again, Valley companies have no problems with hiring SCU grads.

One of my largest regrets is turning down SCU for UCI.”

You have to understand that computer engineering is only offered at the Tandon engineering school of NYU which is arguably one of its weakest schools and it was just recently merged into NYU. Santa Clara has the better program at a better cost.”
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