湾区神项目推荐:USF的MS in Analytics

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官方给出的就业数据是毕业3个月就业率是98%。这个项目是美国Data Science的Bootcamp形式,所学的以Project-based curriculum为主,在老师的带领下联合小组成员一起做湾区大公司的project。这个项目不需要GRE,需要托福至少100分。就业的公司例如Google, Williams-Sonoma, Amazon, Capital One Labs, Eventbrite, and Mozilla。
此项目12月之前递交完申请是Early Bird,有被录取的优先权。前一阵此项目的招生官来UCLA,USC等西海岸名校做宣讲会。官方链接自己去找,我没权限发。
Hi there!
First off: Congratulations. Whichever choice you make, I'm confident it'll lead to a great outcome.
Secondly: All of the following should be understood through the lens of my being inherently biased by being a student in the USF MSAN program.

Piggy-backing off of Avriel's answer, as a current student:

1. I considered this program, Northwestern, and the Data Science Masters at the Graduate School of Economic in Barcelona (indulging my sense of adventure with that application)

2. I chose MSAN because of 1) Being in the Bay Area, where I wanted to live and work afterwards, 2) Being very invested in using open-source technologies rather than proprietary software, and 3) The highly-directed, highly-supportive cohort structure of the program. (1) is a benefit you're already aware of. (2) may be more a cultural fit with me (I highly prefer the DIY, fast-evolving, kind of anarchic culture of open source tech). (3) was a huge benefit, even more than I expected it to be. The fact that this isn't just a set of disconnected courses under an umbrella, but rather a coherent and integrated program where you build strong relationships with both fellow students and faculty was one of the most satisfying and, in my view, valuable parts of my degree.

3) I graduate in 9 weeks; I signed a job offer as a Data Scientist with a Bay Area startup about three weeks ago. That said, I think that MSAN gave me a great position to apply from, but you still have to have worked on cool projects that you can talk about and present. Harvard's brand name is still unquestionably higher, but particularly for jobs in SF, we're becoming more well known, since we have two cohorts already working and one about to start, the vast majority of whom stay in the area.

4) This is a slightly unfair question, since I can't compare the life I didn't choose the the one I did; that's what data is for. That said, I certainly don't regret the choice I made, and I have a strong feeling it was the best one for me.”

You can read job postings and market demands. You probably have applied and received offers from USF and Harvard. The specific study focuses on Analytics/Data Science/Computational Science. These each contribute to a math concept with programming applications. They also differ on their attitude to business applications, professional jobs, and academic careers. In this sense, you balance your choice of program with your intended job. It helps to survey your desired jobs, contact recruiters or managers if open, and fit your program into your professional application.
[align="left"]At the university level, Harvard and USF serve different purposes. The former has a history in the United States, training future leaders in government, business, or communities. Many public leaders and private company leaders have emerged from Harvard, carrying their brand name and curriculum. It serves an enterprise university in the research class, attracting many students all around the world. They have a stronger school and departmental organizational than USF. USF serves as one university in the league of Jesuit universities. They contribute to the Roman Catholic church, specifically in education. They focus on community involvement, societal challenges in poverty and governance, and training students for people. They take from a long history of intellectual, religious, and worldwide education and experience. Each department and program gets selected according to the Jesuit leader at the city. USF serves the city of San Francisco, its community and developments, and a larger Jesuit order.[/align][align="left"]I recommend you view this pragmatically first. You need to secure your job application, your target companies, and the good you value. It means you select your company based upon the product, service, or work that you value and believe contributes to society. It makes you not only a student and professional, but a citizen. To look at this more broadly, you give back to your community and government in the form of taxes, community service, and employment. You also participate in the public education, private businesses, and making your own family and friends. A professional job at your desired company fits into a larger life plan. In the matters of a university purpose, you should orient yourself to their objectives, curriculum training, faculty and student applications, and how they identify and contribute in federal government. They might also contribute at worldwide levels, in their own academic, professional, and government associations.[/align][align="left"]In practice, a degree from the Analytics program at USF will give you direct technical training, a practicum relationship, living in San Francisco, and contributing to one city in a larger world leading tech and economy. The Bay Area leads the world on many high categorical levels. I cannot say the same for Harvard and their Ivy League, as well as historical tradition for the United States. Their program likely fits into a larger school agenda, with students training in a specific computational science for a research community, curriculum development, and offerings to leadership in any organization.”[/align]
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