关于宾大新开的data science

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宾大SEAS新开了一个data science专业,现在处于【试运行】阶段,仅对SEAS内部招收transfer项目学生。后面可能会放开招生。 Anyway,贴一下学院里群发的信息


We are pleased to announce that SEAS has established two new programs in Data Science. Data Science has become essential to making decisions, understanding observations, and solving problems in today’s world. Whether we want to apply artificial intelligence techniques to a problem, build a computational model of real-world phenomena, statistically test a hypothesis, or analyze structured, textual or image data, data science and data analysis techniques are becoming an essential part of every engineer's tool chest. Our new programs are at both the graduate and undergraduate levels:
  • Master of Science in Engineering (MSE) in Data Science, dats.seas.upenn.edu. This program begins this Fall as a “limited launch,” only admitting transfer students and submatriculants from within the School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS).

    The full launch of the program, open to external applicants, will be for Fall 2018. (Students specifically interested in applying data science techniques to problems from engineering and the physical sciences should also consider the MSE in Scientific Computing, pics.upenn.edu.)

    Questions not answered on the website should be addressed to 1point3acres.com.
  • Undergraduate Minor in Data Science, catalog.upenn.edu forundergraduates across the university.

    Questions not answered on the website should be addressed to 1point3acres.com.
Underpinning both these programs is a new course, CIS545, Big Data Analytics, cis.upenn.edu, which will be offered annually in the Spring. Additionally, both the CIS and ESE departments have bolstered their curricula with a number of new course offerings in the machine learning and data mining space.


[align="left"]There has been a lot of interest in the recently announced MSE in Data Science, dats.seas.upenn.edu. To give an overview of the program and answer questions, we will be holding a webinar this Thursday, August 24 at 11am (Philly time). Please register for the webinar at the link below; you will receive a reply with instructions on how to join the webinar when it is held.

Note that the program begins this Fall as a “limited launch” only admitting transfer students who have completed at least one semester or submatriculants from within the School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS).
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