纽约城市大学招收博士和实习生: 可穿戴机器人,手术机器人和人工智能

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[align="left"]美国纽约城市大学机械工程系助理教授苏浩招收可穿戴机器人,手术机器人和人工智能领域的博士生,访问学生,访问学者。我们的科研力求技术的先进性和的实用性,和哈佛大学,MIT, 哥伦比亚大学,康奈尔大学,美国前十名的著名医院,三菱电机研究所(人工智能方向)合作,有很多发表顶尖论文,著名公司就业和创业的机会。实验室有和美国公司的合作,有MIT和CMU毕业的工程师在实验室工作并指导项目。请将简历和项目project portfolio合成一个PDF发送给苏浩教授1point3acres.com 网站: haosu-robotics.github.io[/align]
[align="left"][align="left"]关于苏浩教授[/align][align="left"]纽约城市大学机械工程系助理教授. 本科毕业于哈尔滨工业大学,博士毕业于美国伍斯特理工大学,哈佛大学博士后,曾在飞利浦北美研发中心任职Research Scientist. 苏教授是IEEE国际机器人和自动化大会的副主编,IEEE生物医学工程大会的副主编,IEEE Robotics and Automation Society的Design and Mechanism委员会的Junior Chair,Frontier in Robotics and AI的编委, ASME/IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics IEEE Transactions on Robotics等机器人核心期刊的审稿人, 外骨骼机器人国际标准委会成员。曾经获得国际机器人和自动化大会最佳医疗机器人二等奖,美国Link Foundation青年科学家奖,飞利浦北美研发中心科技转换奖,拥有12项国际专利申请.[/align][align="left"]申请博士的要求[/align][align="left"]
  • 博士生将获得全额奖学金资助(涵盖学费和工资)。奖学金丰厚。入学时间为2018年春季秋季,申请截止日期2017/11/15, GT成绩可以在申请日期后提交。
  • 申请人需要熟悉至少一项技术:机器人机械设计,电机控制,传感器设计,计算机视觉,人工智能。至少有机械,电子,计算机,自动化等相关专业的本科学位。
  • 研究内容包括:3个基础方向soft actuators,soft sensors,vision and artificial intelligence。基于这些基础技术,开发设计软性外骨骼机器人,家庭机器人,微创手术机器人
  • 实习生: 实习需要至少工作一年,提供奖学金cover纽约的生活费用。
  • 合作培养/创业/就业:学生可到MIT和康奈尔大学进行实习合作。苏浩教授毕业的实验室和CUNY的合作教授实验室成员就职于ABB,Philips, Intuitive Surgical,Amazon, Google等著名机器人和AI公司学校的Zahn Innovation Center是著名企业孵化器,每年奖励15万美元支持5支队伍创业。
  • 实验室设备:基于云的人机共融机器人Franka,上肢外骨骼Myomo,虚拟现实HTC vive,外科手术达芬奇机器人研究平台dvrk
[/align][align="left"]纽约城市大学简介[/align][align="left"]纽约城市大学位于纽约曼哈顿,是美国第一大城市,是生物医学和机器人技术的研发中心。苏浩教授支持学生的职业发展,可以推荐博士或者博士后去哈佛MIT等高校进一步发展,推荐学生去著名机器人和医疗器械公司实习或者就业。提供创业和产业化科研成果的机会。纽约城市大学领导的New York Center for Biomedical Engineering由世界顶级医院组成,有3所美国排名前十的医院。自由女神像、联合国总部、时代广场、大都会艺术博物馆、洛克菲勒中心、百老汇剧院区等都在纽约。纽约城市大学有12位校友获得诺贝尔奖,著名校友有美国国务卿鲍威尔,Intel创始人Andrew Grove等。上海交通大学世界大学学术排名500强排名301,全球高校网北美洲大学100强排名79, US News 机械工程排名87.[/align]
[align="left"][align="center"]Open Robotics Research Positions[/align][align="left"]Research positions are available in the Biomechatronics and Intelligent Robotics Lab of the Mechanical Engineering Department at the City University of New York. The students will work with Prof. Hao Su to develop soft wearable robots and surgical robots. Some of the projects include: soft actuators, soft sensors, wearable sensors, soft exoskeletons to help stroke and spinal cord injury patients, robots for minimally invasive surgery, and etc. You will have the opportunity to work with surgeons and physical therapists from Harvard University, Cornell University, and other top ten hospitals in US. Please send your resume to Prof. Hao Su 1point3acres.com.[/align]
[align="left"]Graduate Student Researchers[/align][align="left"]PhD students can be admitted in 2018 Spring. PhD students will receive tuition waiver and stipend support. Applicants are expected to have background in at least one of these areas: mechanical design, electric motor control, embedded systems, computer vision, and artificial intelligence. Undergraduate or Master’s students with strong skills will be considered with financial support.[/align][align="left"]
Undergraduate and Internship Research Opportunities[/align][align="left"]We welcome undergraduates who are interested in gaining research experience in the areas of robotics, including but not limited to mechanical design, embedded system, controls, design of sensors and actuators. Students looking for internship are also welcome.[/align][align="left"]
About Prof. Hao Su[/align][align="left"]Dr. Su is the Assistant Professor at the mechanical engineering department of City University of New York. He was a postdoctoral research fellow at Harvard University and the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering. Prior to this role, he was a Research Scientist at Philips Research North America. He obtained the Ph.D. degree from the Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Dr. Su received the Best Medical Robotics Paper Runner-up Award in the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). He received the Advanced Simulation & Training Award from the Link Foundation and Dr. Richard Schlesinger Award from the American Society for Quality. He holds 8 patents on surgical robotics and socially assistive robots. Dr. Su is the Junior Chair of the Technical Committee on Mechanisms and Design of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society. He is the Associate Editor of the Journal: Frontiers in Robotics and AI. He is the Associate Editor of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation and the BioRobotics theme editor of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). He is a member of the Exoskeleton Standardization Task Force.[/align][/align]

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