OPT extension, I765 Question 17 只写了degree level, 没写major

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大家好,我想问一个i765填写的问题。我6月13号申请 OPT extension, 状态至今为止仍然是 case was received。
今天在网上翻看各种关于OPT extension 申请的帖子,发现有的学校建议同时将degree level和major 填到 i765 question 17 [(c)(3)(C) Eligibility Category] 中的degree的那个格子里, 然后我当时并没有填major。
换句话说,degree blank for question 17 中,我只填了 M.S., 网上却建议填 M.S. 14.1001 (I20上EE major的编码)。

一个advisor电话告诉我不是啥大问题,然后给我读i765 instructions (from USCIS)里的这段话:
F-1 Student Seeking Optional Practical Training (OPT) in an Occupation Directly Related to Studies:
(c)(3)(A)--Pre-completion Optional Practical Training; (c)(3)(B)--Post-completion Optional Practical
Training; (c)(3)(C)--24-month Extension for STEM (Students With a Degree in Science, Technology,
Engineering, or Mathematics) Optional Practical Training. File Form I-765 with a Certificate of Eligibility
of Nonimmigrant (F-1) Student Status (Form I-20 A-B/I-20 ID) timely endorsed by a Designated School Official
(DSO) (DSO’s recommendation within the past 30 days for Post-Completion OPT and 60 days for the 24-month
STEM OPT extension). If you are requesting a 24-month STEM OPT extension under the eligibility code
(c)(3)(C), you must submit a copy of your degree and the employer name as listed in E-Verify, along with
the E-Verify Company Identification Number, or a valid E-Verify Client Company Identification Number for
the employer with whom you are seeking the 24-month OPT extension. You must provide this information in
Question 17 of the form.


Do not send USCIS another I-765. This will just confuse matters.

I don’t think this is an issue of concern. The USCIS adjudicator can see the CIP code assigned to your major on your I-20. If the adjudicator does has questions, then a Request for Further Evidence (RFE) will be sent. Have you been tracking the status of the case on line?
