帮朋友转发一个CS PHD 的openning in Case Western Reserve University

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Prof. Xusheng Xiao in Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Case Western Reserve University is recruiting highly motivated and qualified Ph.D. students with RA supports. The students will work on research projects in the directions: (1) Android Security using program analysis and computer vision, and/or (2) System Security using system monitoring and log analysis. Applications for 2018 Spring or 2018 Fall are both considered.

Prof. Xiao's research interests are in software engineering and computer security, with a focus on improving software quality via program analysis, software testing, and text analytics. His work in mobile security has been selected as one of the top ten finalists for CSAW Best Applied Security Paper Award 2015. His static analysis tool on mobile security is integrated into TouchDevelop developed by Microsoft Research and is granted a U.S. patent. His research has been presented at top-tier venues such as ICSE, FSE, ISSTA, ASE, USENIX Security, CCS, and VLDB. He did internships at Microsoft Research, IBM Research, and NEC Labs. He is working on collaborative projects with industry research labs and companies, and encourage students to participate in these projects through research collaborations and internships.

More information about Prof. Xiao and his research can be found in his website engineering.case.edu Please email Prof. Xiao (1point3acres.com) with your resume if interested.