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Iam pleased to inform you that you have been recommended for admission to theM.S. degree program in Computer Science at the University of California LosAngeles starting in the Fall quarter of 2012. We are extremely selectivein our admissions to this program, so our decision reflects our confidence thatyou have the potential to excel in computer science, and that UCLA is the placewhere you can achieve that potential.

If your admission to the University is approved, you will receive an email messagefrom the UCLA Graduate Division containing procedures for securing your placein the entering fall class as well as information relevant to yourregistration.

Ifyou have academic work in progress, your admission is contingent on the receiptof a final transcript that demonstrates you have maintained the requirementsfor admission to UCLA and the Computer Science Department.

Althoughwe would like to be able to offer department funding to all our graduatestudents, we cannot offer financial support to entering M.S. students. Weencourage you, therefore, to seek out other sources of funding. Anexcellent source for both campus awards/fellowships and extramural support isavailable at:

PS 跟Penn State比,应该这个好点吧,而且是加州,哈哈哈


