多伦多大学BIOSTAT MSC 项目求问 (呼唤Warald大神)

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被多大这个项目录取了,只有12个月的full time, 貌似有TA/RA 机会。摘抄一段email里的话供大家参考。

I would like to congratulate you on your successful application, and also let you know that there are many research/teaching assistant positions available on/off-campus (e.g. Hospital for Sick Children, Mt Sinai Hospital, University Health Network, St Mike's Hospital, Center for Addiction and Mental Health, HIV Unit at UofT, among many others). Should you decide to accept the admission offer, you will be contacted over the summer regarding your preferences for practicum sites; the practicum is part of the degree-required training (CHL5207) for all incoming students. You will have ample opportunities to meet potential practicum supervisors in person prior to placements.

求问这个项目怎么样,毕业之后的就业难度如何。首先考虑硕士之后就业,暂时不想读PHD. 因为手上还有UMICHIGAN, BOSTON U, DUKE等几个学校biostat的AD,很纠结,想听听大家的意见。
谢谢各位了~~ 呼唤Warald大神。
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