Delaware AD一枚

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这个学校一直没消息,套磁也不会,研院突然来了通知叫查状态,结果是AD,钱没有或者是还没定,得问系里,还要寄纸质成绩单过去。请教一下下面那个clicking here是不是接受AD的啊?感觉又不像,不敢点。。链接指向是javascript:CheckEnrollmentDeadlineAndRedirect(); 有没有经验的童鞋啊啊啊,求指导~

Congratulations! I am pleased to officially inform you that you have been admitted to the University of Delaware in the graduate program of Electrical and Computer Engineering (PhD) Concentration in Electromagnetics and Photonics. You will receive this letter by mail confirming your conditions. This offer of admission is subject to the following condition(s):

An official final transcript must be sent from the following institution to our address listed above. (If the degree was earned outside the U.S. include a copy of the degree certificate as certified by the institution):

XXX University China Bachelor of Engineering Science

This letter is not an offer of financial aid. If you have been awarded financial aid from your graduate program, they will notify you by separate communication.

We ask that you respond to this offer of admission by clicking here

I extend to you our best wishes as you begin your graduate studies at the University of Delaware.

On behalf of the Faculty,
Mary Martin, Ed.D.
Assistant Provost for Graduate and Professional Education