JHU发了 目测不少

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complete具体时间忘了 应该是2011年吧

目测这次发了很不少 已知有5+

我觉着这家应该不是rolling吧 还没拿到的童鞋可以去问问小米 这么长时间应该出了

给了俩这东西 算是奖吧

I am delighted to inform you that you have been admitted to the Financial Mathematics Master's program of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics at Johns Hopkins University, beginning with the Fall term in August 2012. Congratulations!

Your financial support offer consists of the following:

a 15% tuition waiver during semesters of full-time enrollment

partial financial support toward health insurance (described below)

You can view projected expenses at grad.jhu.edu. During semesters of full-time enrollment, you will be responsible for an annual payment of $500 ($250 per semester) toward the cost of health insurance through the student plan offered by the University, and the University will pay for the remainder of the premium. Please note that in addition to tuition and health insurance, the University requires a one-time matriculation fee of $500, which is the student’s responsibility.

这项目有个毕业生 爱新觉罗cheng 想和大清皇室做校友的莫犹豫咩哈哈~~


btw 花美男你居然是个女孩纸!!你。。花美男。。男。。。