ms admit for PhD..又一个降录,却被NCSU弄迷糊了

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“...First let me explain the offer. Our PhD admissions process requires that a faculty commit as your Interim Advisor with the intent of finding you financial support. Many quality candidates do not get a PhD offer in our first round. After the admissions committee reviewed the first round PhD offers, we realized that there were many outstanding candidates that were not getting a PhD offer. There are many reasons for this, many of which are circumstantial, e.g. the application being late, or the timing of funding not being opportune. Most US funding agencies do not time their notices to award new grants and contracts to time with the PhD admissions peak.
Thus we are encouraging you to enroll as a MS student and convert to a PhD after being here for a semester or two. The PhD conversion process is simple. All that is needed is an advisor and one other faculty to agree as to your suitability.
Also note, we are anticipating later rounds of funding for PhD students over the next couple of months. You are still being considered for those..."
然后看到later rounds of funding over the next couple of months就又有点懵了。。我现在看到decision里面显示的已经被录取为ms了, 为啥还会说考虑funding的问题?感觉和其他录为ms的没啥不一样啊。。难道还有逆袭的可能性??(说白了没钱肯定是不会去的。。)

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