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昨天半夜收到的邮件,让自己查状态,他家6月1号才截止,我自觉这么早发的结果不是牛人拿到的ad就是太水的马上被拒了,做好心理建设以后打开发现居然没拒我,是个waiting list~
Thank you for applying to the M.A. program in Statistics. Although we are unable to make you an offer of admission at this time, the Committee on Admissions has recommended, that we place your name, along with a few others, on a short wait list.

The program Faculty Committee on Admissions admitted only a small fraction of applicants this year. The responses to our initial offers of admission are being monitored closely, and we anticipate that a final decision on your application will be made in late spring. Please be aware that because funds are limited, we would be unable to offer you fellowship support should you be admitted.
状态里说今年招人很少,waiting list也不长的样子。他家6月1号截止,我觉得这么早决定waiting list很奇怪,之后不是还招人吗?难道今年真的大幅缩招了{:4_85:} 顺便问问地里有没有人同拿到他家waiting list的,5连拒之后的一丝曙光啊~~~