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个人背景:国内二本院校上了一年,然后通过exchange student项目来到了美国中西部一所60多名的学校上了一个学期然后转学成功,转到了这个学校的数学系,数学系下面有个精算的分支,我们学校的精算项目根本在美国不上数。刚来的时候英语很差,大一在国内的时候第一次考托福才60多分呵呵,其实我那时候说的不好听就是个混得呵呵~来美国第一个学期边上的ESL,边上三门专业课~最后GPA刚3.56,陆续过了四门SOA/CAS考试,无绿卡,美本。我只想说,没身份的美本只要早作准备,厚着脸皮,不怕失败,精算的实习全职还是能找到的~
我刚来美国,英语很差,只能听懂数学课,选精算这个专业完全没有概念,只知道家里说好~然后通过老师了解到要想在美国未来找到全职工作,一定要有精算实习+精算考试。然后呢我就加入了找实习考精算的大部队啦。大二下学期转学成功之后先过了P,投简历从来没有鸟我的,通过学校投简历也没有鸟的。心灰意冷啊~然后通过家人在国内中国人寿北京总部找了个养老金精算的实习,我别的什么都没有,大二的暑假就回国实了个习,不给钱的,稍微学到了些东西但是很少,不给钱的实习嘛说实话也是混的呵呵,大二暑假同时又把FM过了。大三回美国之后,定下目标必须找到实习,找不到以后找全职想都别想啊,意识到了问题的严重性。有了两门考试加一个国内的水实习之后我投简历,竟然有电面我的。相当高兴啊,终于有面试啦~我就疯狂准备了一下,自己也不知道怎么准备,结果可想而知啊,十月初的连续三个面试(两个电面,一个on campus)我blew them all,全黄了~~其中有一个on campus的面试的时候,我都把constitution说成prostitution啦!!心灰意冷了一段时间。我意识到我的英语口语是主要问题。我就上网搜罗各种信息,各种精算面试的题,然后自己疯狂总结之后疯狂练习啊,找美国同学听我回答,找adviser听我回答,让他们帮我找错误。同时,我意识到这样一味的投简历不行啊,没有美国这边的工作经验面试的时候没有竞争力啊,我得开始找个parttime intern干着才行~我就开始厚着脸皮networking了。本帖隐藏内容需要登录后才能查看。最后我得知老头以前是PWC的资深精算顾问,他老婆叫wendy johnson,美国财险精算师全知道她,因为她创造了一个算ULAE准备金的方法,在CAS EXAM 6 里面要考。总之呢,比较幸运啊。随后我就继续找大三的暑假实习啊~看来简历上有美国的实习真管用啊,都一月份了,很晚了,还收到两个interview,经过之前的练习和准备,再加上简历上有美国的精算partime实习,顺利拿到了一个P&C公司的summer intern offer,干了一个夏天的P&C pricing,英语表达能力提高了不少。最后实习完了之后说atlanta office缺人,问我毕业后去不去。我个人不想去那,不过先接了。最后秋天的时候又用同样的networking的方法找了一个CAT Modeling的精算parttime实习。这个时候我感觉投简历找全职就非常容易了。我投的全是财险的,因为听说FCAS挣得比FSA多,也确实是这样。P&C精算确实挣得比其他的HR consulting或者life insurance精算挣得多一点。大四这大半年基本就是在不断的面试中度过的,拿了travelers, towers P&C, aon benfield和allstate的offer。最后从了allstate,因为是保险公司,对考试的support非常好,能尽快拿到FCAS。本来还想读个研什么的,还申请了几个学校,现在拿到dream job offer了之后也就不想读了又。
总之早作准备,先考几门试,再厚脸皮讨一个parttime internship,再通过正规程序拿一个summer intnership,那么fulltime是一定会找到的~

我之前黄了好多面试。关键是我面完之后总觉得自己面的挺好,准备的稿子都背上来了~但是还是黄了。为什么?因为我说的不是人家想要的,确实是流利的背出来了,但是答案不是人家想要的。我私下找过好多我通过networking认识的FCAS,了解到他们真正想要的candidate,问他们到底expect什么样的candidate,到底expect什么样的interview answer。总结了一下~


Lunch Interview: Talk about hobby, ask about the area(attraction nearby, recent events, weather/climate), sports teams, travel, locoal culture, things to do, corporate/department culture, student program, company-sponsored activities, exam progress (which exam did they find the most difficult to study for, what exam seem to best help them understand their work), advice on balancing your studying for exam and getting the work done, how often they work with other divisions......

Case Interview: They really don't expect you to know the technical terms before. They just want to see how you solve the problem/case by COMMON SENSE, so that they can see your potential in the future by using your COMMON SENSE. Also, watch out for teamwork and taking the initiative in the group case interview~

Full Interview: 本帖隐藏内容需要登录后才能查看。

Personality questions就是看你有没有主见。美国人非常重视个人主见。问题有why should we hire you?(explain from both technical and soft skills) tell me about yourself? why actuary? (love math and am interested in bussiness, like networking and so on) why P&C? (so many lines of businesses, so much variability, with the fundermental theory of frequency and severity, it sounds much more attractive to me) what do you know about our company? Why our company? 5/10 years career goal? (first 5 year pass all exams. really learn from my manager how department/company/industry works, after 5 years, i anticipate to be able to operate with an independent mind, identify problems and respective solutions, identify principle that lead to our department being highly fuctional and effective, etc) strength? weakness? what do you want your manager to be like?(Friend and mentor) Industry knowledge? What's your most/least favorite class?(Don't say math/actuarial/stat. They are boring to hear. Say like world music or geography and why~show your personality)

面试最后一个环节,问问题。问这些好:what do you enjoy most about working at the company? why did you choose an actuarial career the first place? Especially the P&C actuarial career the first place? How long have you been with the company? What's your responsibility of the position? What is your expectation for me in 3/6/12 months if I will be given this great opportunity? Can you give me an example of a project that I might be doing? Could you give me some information about the structure of the department? What do I need to do before I start if I am given this great opportunity, from both technical and soft skills part? What's the next step in the process?

如果时间充裕的话,通过networking多认识一些精算师,然后你可以时不时的shoot them an email 让他们看看这个问题你的回答好不好一类的。不断归纳总结自己的那个“稿子”~拿到了一个实习并且过了几门考试之后,后面的事情就好办了
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