求助,申请CSM的ME的Phd,结果今天收到邮件说转成non-thesis master

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因为真的很喜欢这个学校,所以想和大家讨论一下第三段里提到的可以先读master, 然后自己找funding再转成thesis program的问题,大家觉得靠谱吗?

之前问小秘,说我申请的太晚了,24个financial aid全部发光了。。。抹泪
Dear xxx,

On behalf of the Mechanical Engineering Department at the Colorado School of Mines, we are pleased to inform you that you will soon receive an acceptance letter from the Dean of the Graduate School, admitting you to the Master’s Non-Thesis program starting in the Fall 2017 semester. Students in our Master’s Non-Thesis program benefit from stimulating instruction in biomechanics, robotics, thermal-fluid sciences and mechanics of materials. Graduates enjoy high starting salaries in diverse industries with short times to graduation.

Your application indicates that you applied for admission to one of our thesis-based programs (MS-Thesis or PhD). This year’s applicant pool was especially qualified and competitive and we were unable to accept everyone to a thesis based program (MS-Thesis or PhD), as there are simply more applicants than thesis projects and funding available. Your application was impressive and we hope you will consider Non-Thesis program, where research opportunities can be available in the form of independent studies and hourly paid positions in research labs. We encourage you to engage with faculty directly to find these opportunities once you’ve begun your studies.

Again, we are impressed with the credentials and accomplishments provided in your graduate application and we hope you will decide to enroll in our Non-Thesis Master’s Degree Program. If during your studies, you acquire funding via a Teaching Assistantship, Research Assistantship, or external fellowship, you will be able to transition to a thesis-based program.

We also invite you to our upcoming Graduate Student Visitation Days on March 16th and March 17th. We are happy to provide up to $300 in reimbursement to support your out-of-town travel and accommodations in Colorado. During this event, you will learn more about our Mechanical Engineering Graduate Programs, meet with faculty and students, and explore much of what Colorado School of Mines has to offer. Additional details will be sent in a follow-up email.

Congratulations on your admission to our graduate program!