结束35 rej from MEDIA@Brown

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终于结束35了,只申了brown这一所学校的PHD(MODERN CULTURE AND MEDIA Program),其他的都申请的master,本来也是炮灰的意思,据了也是情理之中。有没有传媒专业大牛同申请被录取的?附上拒信攒RP。人生第一据啊!!!!!求后面的master们AD/OFFER滚滚来!

Dear XXXX,

I regret to inform you that the PhD - MODERN CULTURE AND MEDIA Program did not approve your application for admission to Brown University’s Graduate School for the 2012-2013 academic year. Admission decisions are made on a comparative basis and are the result of a careful evaluation of each candidate's application, taking into account academic achievement, preparation for advanced study, and other supporting materials.

The majority of those who apply to the Graduate School have strong qualifications and demonstrate an ability to do advanced academic work. We regret that we have to disappoint many bright and talented students.

Thank you for your interest in Brown. I wish you the best in your academic endeavors.