TPO 12 reading 错题总结

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?the following as evidence of right-handedness EXCEPT
我的答案是 the prevalence of outlines of left hands
the right answer is the fact that a left hand stenciled...
文章给出的原句是One also has to make the assumption that hands were ...
一个assumption ;一个 fact
?why the author mention the Ice Age rope
我的答案的as an example of an item on which the marks of wear imply that it was used by a right-handed person(右手使用这种物品,不一定是右手制作的)
正确答案是as an example of an item whose construction shows that it was right handed made by a right-person(右手制作出来的)
原文说the late Ice Age rope found in the French cave of Lascaux consists of fibres spiraling to the right, and was therefore tressed by a righthander.
很不幸,依稀记得spiral 是螺旋的意思,tress压根儿没记过,连印象都没有,于是承认终于还是自己的水平有限,于是这样的题目就错了
? Paragraph 2 suggests which of the following about Eisenstein’s film The Battleship Potemkirf?
B The film was unpopular in the Soviet Union before it was screened in Berlin.
正确答案是A The film was not accompanied by sound before its Berlin screening
看原文:In Berlin, for the premiere performance outside the Soviet Union, film director
worked with Austrian composer on a musical score matching sound to image; the Berlin screenings with live music helped to bring the film its wide international fame.
A,Because the costs of introducing recorded sound were low,
C The new technological and aesthetic developments of the 1920s included the use of color, new screen formats, and television.
这句仔细研究过,原文有说New color processes ,larger or differently shaped screen sizes
multiple-screen projections ,even televison ,were among the developments invented or tried out during the periods.我先看的这一句,恩貌似C是对的,后来又看到一句The introduction of new screen formats was put off for a quarter century.然后鄙人认为new screen formats 被推迟了,所以在1920s就不可能包括new screen formats的使用。
? In paragraph 5, commercial radio programming is best described as the result of
我的答案是 D the cooperation between telecommunications companies and the motion picture industry
正确答案是 B the desire of electronics and telecommunications companies to make sound technology profitable
选A 主要是因为 their competition and collaboration were creating and broadcasting industry in the US, beginning with the introduction of commercial radio programming
在时间的紧逼下选了D,不是很确定,后来仔细分析了一下,这里的their是上一段中得electronics and telecommunications companies, 也就是说their collaboration 是公司之间的,而不是很多公司与工业界之间的。。。D 错 。B的话是原文commercial exploitation的再现