(正式收到offer了)正月初一报个刚收到的ad, 新增Ohio State

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1.23 申的graphics方向,刚收到的ad,奖要另外评,不知道情况如何……得去问下。不过总算稍微安心了点。祝大家新年好运。

1.25 昨晚收到的offer邮件,$17,000大概九个月的stipend,ta/ra八月份去了才定,彻底安心啦~

2.3 同样被UW群伤死

2.7 今天早上ohio state的查询界面状态有变化,状态从 Your application has been sent to the graduate program for academic review 变成 Your application is currently in the process of being evaluated and prepared for a final admissions decision;记得上次有申请这个学校别的系的人说状态变化后一小时就变成ad的状态了,刚才果然变了……现在是 Your application has been academically approved and is now in Financial Review. Note items with a status other than Completed are still needed by the office listed in the Contact column.

2.7 今天早些时候还收到JHU的visit invitation