
大家好,目前我正在套磁ee。有一个教授回复比较积极,内容中有一段:“If you are interested in such research I encourage you to apply for the Ph.D. program in our department. I will be glad to take a look at your file should you decide to apply. I also encourage you to apply for the CSC scholarship which you stand a good chance of getting. ”但是在FAQ中有这样一个问题:“Can I apply directly to the PhD degree program without a Masters degree?
The Department will normally not accept a student who has not completed a Masters degree into the PhD Program. Normally only students holding a masters degree or equivalent would be accepted. We would allow a master student to transfer into a PhD program without completing the master program if the student has an excellent academic record and has demonstrated good potential to carry out PhD level research. In very rare cases, for a student with only a bachelor degree but with outstanding academic record, and has demonstrated research potential, we may accept the student into the PhD program.”所以申请phd很虚,而且该校网申中只有provisional phd而没有phd,这两者什么区别。想听听大家的意见。thankkkks!!!!