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Department of Computer Engineering, University of California Santa Cruz
Professor Jishen Zhao
Email: 1point3acres.com

Background: The University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) is a public research university and and one of the 10 campuses in the University of California system. The computer engineering program is ranked around 50th nationally according to U.S. News & World Report 2017 Rankings. Located right next to the Silicon Valley, numerous industrial collaborations have been established between the department and the IT giants in the Valley.

Prof. Zhao's research focuses on computer architecture and system topics with an emphasis on memory systems, high-performance computing, and energy efficiency. She is also interested in electronics design automation and VLSI design for three-dimensional integrated circuits and nonvolatile memories. Prof. Zhao has extensive collaborations in both academia (PSU, UCSB, CMU, etc) and industry (HP Labs, Google, AMD Research, Intel Labs, etc), which may provide sufficient opportunities for internship in these groups. She has been regularly publishing in top computer architecture venues, such as ISCA, MICRO, DAC, and TACO, etc. Please check her webpage (users.soe.ucsc.edu) for details.

Positions: One opening for Ph.D. Candidates in computer engineering (Fall 2017)

I am seeking a self-motivated and creative Ph.D. candidate to conduct research in computer system and architecture. Preference of Research Assistant positions will be given to candidates who have earned a M.S. degree in computer science, computer engineering, or related fields. Outstanding bachelor students with relevant research experience will also be considered.
The candidates I am mostly interested in should have:
1. Self motivation. Only self-motivated students can achieve fruitful accomplishments during Ph.D. study.
2. Good personality. You should be a good team player.
3. Strong programming experience. Preferably with C/C++ and Python.
4. Experience with Linux system or kernel development.

If you are interested in applying for the Ph.D. position, please send me a copy of your application package, including your CV, transcript, GPA, GRE and TOEFL score, and publications (if any).
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