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背景:CS,在某家中等IT公司做全职QA,H1b今年刚刚抽中,然后8月份预约了签证,刚刚预约完被promote,公司file了H1b Amendment,用了premium processing,最终在9月26日approved。然后用新的case number重新填写了DS160,并且在签证预约系统里更新了confirmation code和case number。之前用opt已经工作了1年多,十一回国探亲,10.11在北京安家楼面签

Me: Hi, I'm here to apply for H1b work visa.
VO: Alright, Let me see. So.. You work for XXX?
Me: Yes
VO: OK. What type of business does this company do?
Me: It is a leader in travel industry.
VO: Oh. It is like Travelocity?
Me: Yes. You know travelocity?
VO: Yeah. 敲字2分钟
VO: What degree did you get from University of XXXX?
Me: Master in computer engineering
VO: OK. 敲字30秒
VO: I can't find your information in our system. But don't worry. This happens about 10% of time. Let me make a copy of your document (I797A).
VO: Our printer is broken. I need to use the one in another room.
Me: Go ahead.
Me: How long will I get my visa?
VO: A week
Me: OK
VO: 下一个

今天已经12号了,查询Visa application的状态还是Administrative Processing,请问我是被Check了吗?但是签证官确实给我的是approve的蓝条还说一周就能拿到。会不会跟我预约签证用的I797A是Amendment的I797A有关呢?有人有过相似的经历吗?