4年全奖IE PhD at Texas Tech University

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We invite applications for a PhD studentship in the group of Dr. George Tan in Advanced Manufacturing & Hybrid Processes research lab in the Department of Industrial Engineering at Texas Tech University, USA. Our research focuses on the conductive porous membrane with nanoparticles for disinfection, electrospinning technologies and extrusion-based advanced manufacturing for regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. This PhD student position will be affiliated with Whitacre College of Engineering, Texas Tech University, and be available from August 2017.

The RA package offered for this position includes the tuition waiver and an annual salary of $27,500 for 4 years.

Requirements for successful candidates
1) A B.S. degree in Science, Engineering or related field with GPA 3.0 or above. A Master degree is preferred.
2) Laboratory research experience in any of the following areas: Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Textile Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering etc, preferably direct experiences in electrospinning or additive manufacturing.
3) For applicants who received degrees from universities in non-English speaking countries, GRE and TOEFL scores are required.

To apply, please send your C.V., transcripts (bachelor and master) and GRE and TOEFL scores by email to 1point3acres.com.
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